Collection #2

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A corrupted ideology by a corrupted human

Many times adults ask kids, "What do you want to be when you grow up?". Being innocent, kids give their sincere answers, regardless of how out-of-reach or foolish they may be. It doesn't matter anyway. Once you're in your late teens, the only things you'll end up worrying about are grades, colleges, and money. Not only that, but you'll end up realizing what your parents want you to become. It's either rebel or submit at that point. Even if your parents do give their blessing, without a doubt, your ideals will end up disappointing you. There are more common jobs in your neighborhood than jobs in the world that come with recognition. Besides, it's obvious that those with talent will fill up those spots. But say your career choice is simple and well within range. Then, that must go for the majority as well. In other words, you're just a sheet of paper filled with similar specifications as everyone else. However, when you're past your teens, surely some of these worries will disappear. They'll get replaced with new worries. You'll end up getting stressed from either; finding a job, having a job, or keeping a job.

Whatever ideals people have about high school, college, or whatever the next stage in their life is, reality will shatter them without hesitation. Society is designed so that only a certain group or a specific kind of person gets the most benefits. Why else would they encourage people to work together? In school whenever teachers force students to work with others, there's always a victim, a freeloader, and those that do enough just get by. It's the same in society; someone does all the work and someone gets all the credit. In other words, someone always gets the short end of the stick.

All those that praise people for working collectively are liars. It's for their egoistic motives to get all the benefits from self-indulgent recognition to making billions a year. Those that agree or follow that belief are deceiving themselves. To conform means giving up and adjusting to that society. When that happens, individualism gets lost for the sake of a common consensus. Even the most prominent being would become inconsequential when thrown into the sea of masses. People only see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear. Words spoken from individual emotions, free will, personality, thoughts, and qualifications won't be considered at all.

That is society.   

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