Chapter 2- Those Implied Words (Part 1)

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(The Guy's POV)

Those cold, Siberian blue eyes stared down at me with an oppressive force. They could shove fear into anybody's heart, and make you wish you wanted to die. For a second, I really thought I was going to die. She had that kind of aura. It belonged only to the most privileged nobles and intimidates the common folk. Too bad for her that I'm far from ordinary. When it comes to being hated by girls, I know best.

One time in middle school, I had to play soccer for field day. It was surprisingly chilly for mid-spring, I can't remember whose team was winning. In fact, I don't even remember what team I was on. But anyway, a girl that sat next to me in science was shivering with a friendly smile on her face. We talked a few times since we were paired up once in awhile due to our seating arrangements. She, like her friends, hated soccer. Actually, field day was just overrated in general. But anyways, I happened to have a jacket on at the time. So when I heard her complaining and giggling with her friends, I took it off and offered it to her. All conversation ceased and I was faced with stiff, unwelcoming expressions. She told me that she was fine and went to go play soccer. The jacket hung lifelessly in my hand as she and her friends snickered. While the cold was only momentary, the embarrassment haunted me for the next couple of weeks.

Another incident that comes to mind was when I was a freshman. With no friends to talk to in the hallways or the cafeteria, I decided to go to homeroom one morning. As I walk in, there was a crowd in the back of the room. The only one I recognized was a girl with turquoise strands in her brown hair since it was her homeroom too. I took my seat by the window, but then she suggested that they, as in her friends, leave.

What a rude bitch. At least be a little more subtle!

But she probably didn't want anyone else to hear their conversation, so I ended up feeling sorry for intruding. I was left alone in homeroom until the teacher came in a few minutes later and by then the students started to empty the halls.

I've only been with this girl for less than an hour but my experiences have readied me well. No matter how cute she is, I won't be fooled. Still, I have to admit she had distinct nuance to her compared to all the other girls.

Her obsidian hair flowed down to her waist with arched bangs framing her doll-like face, seemingly absent of any elaborate makeup. She had ivory skin and long slender legs that were firmly planted on the ground. Her arms crossed over a chic, white blouse that matched nicely with her dark skirt. The girl naturally attracted attention. Even Natalie, who was the most popular girl at my school, felt threatened when the girl was around. Also, when I saw her next to those two other girls, even though they were pretty, she was definitely different somehow. In one simple word, she was beautiful. Being together with such a girl would probably make any guy think that it's fate or some other sort of stupid thing and fall in love with her. But that's just an unpopular guy's fantasy, imagining that there was some sort of deeper meaning to coincidences.

This type of obvious boy-meets-girl situation can only be a trap.

"Why are you smirking like that?" The girl asked. "It's creepy."

The coldness in her soft voice made that last part pierce my thought process. Her terrible personality can shatter any guy's dream. I cleared my throat and tried to regain my composure.

"If it's creepy then just leave," I said. But the girl refused by repeating her words from a few seconds ago.

"I told you." She calmly brushed her hair back. "I will prove you wrong."

Her interest in me was so abrupt and unexpected that my only wish was for her to get lost. But no matter how much I wanted to leave her right then and there, a few things worried me ever since I first saw her. In order to dissolve those worries, I gave her my permission.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2016 ⏰

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