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the two were going at it again and again. it never seemed to end even if they did make up in their twisted sort of way. jimin and yoongi were screaming at each other once again. their fighting never seems to end and nobody seems to stop them. they fight anywhere and the two don't care who sees or hears them. if you didn't know them you'd think they hated each other's guts. jimin and yoongi just disagree on a lot of things. stupid things is all they ever fight about.

jimin was laying on yoongi's thighs feeling relaxed even though they were fighting ten minutes ago. he closed his eyes humming a little song to calm his nerves down. yoongi ran his fingers through jimin's hair feeling at peace. jimin loved these moments where it felt like they didn't fight a lot, just a normal loving couple. yoongi always cherished these moments for they don't come often. the both of them wished they wouldn't fight so much. but the two are terrible at talking things out it only results in fighting.

"jimin?" yoongi whispered.

"yes yoongi?" jimin looked into his eyes.

"i really do love you." yoongi began to tear up.

"i love you too." jimin wiped away the tears.

"we'll be okay." yoongi mumbled.

"we will get through it together." jimin nodded.


"get out!!! we are over!!!" jimin screamed at yoongi.

yoongi rolled his eyes packing his bags and ready to leave this toxic place. but before he left he stared right into jimin's eyes.

"you'll crawl right back to me babe." yoongi snickered.

"oh you wish." jimin shoved him out.

yoongi was in one of his moods and decided to take it out on jimin. this time was different jimin felt like it was really over. there was no love in their hearts anymore. jimin just couldn't take the pain anymore and endure it every single day. staring at his phone he wanted yoongi to call him but jimin decided to delete the contact. his hands began to shake, closing his eyes he pressed delete.

"goodbye asshole." jimin felt tears streaming down his face.

"jin can you come bring me food." jimin sobbed into the phone. "it's really over and it feels different this time."

"coming right over jimin." jin sighed.


jin paced back and forth in his room. he texted everyone besides yoongi and jimin saying the two love birds have really split. a million phone calls erupted his phone and he regretted even telling them.

"are they like seriously over?" taehyung gasped with jungkook screaming in the background.

"i think so, jimin sounded different." jin felt a headache forming. "they need each other."

taehyung hung up.

"babe is it true?!" arms wrapped around jin's waist.

"yeah namjoon sadly it is. we need to get them back together." jin sighed. "it's not going to be easy."

"hoseok!" jin screamed into the phone.

"what?" hoseok groggily whispered.

"get your drunk ass up and help me get yoonmin back together. i'm picking you all up so get ready." jin smiled as he hung up.

"you scare me sometimes babe." namjoon mumbled into jin's hair.


knocking on hoseok's door jin tapped his foot, he had no patience. yoongi answered the door in his pajamas with bags under his eyes. he looked like a complete zombie. jin shook his head, heading inside it smelt like shit. jin almost gagged from the rotting food laying around in the house. hoseok was knocked out on the couch with soju in his hand.

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