Chapter 9: The Bad Boy and The Dream

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Chapter 9: The Bad Boy and The Dream


Fields of lavender surrounds me. Frantic, I spin my head around looking for any forms of life... but find nothing, just endless strands of lavender. I was taken aback when a small giggle echoes behind me. I pivot towards it, a girl's back faced me. Wavy locks of brown hair reaches mid-back as she twirled in circles, her pink polka-dot sundress flowing. She looked nothing more than 8. Coming to a slow halt, the girl ran through the field, her baby soft fingers brushing against the tips of the lavender. Not wanting to be left alone, I tailed behind her. A tall, male figure appears in the distant, the same direction the girl and I are headed. Something about the figure seemed vaguely familiar. Although is back, too, faced me, I was able to make out the obvious characteristics. Tanned skin. His hair, black and resembles Prince Charming's style. A tattoo of the Cross with wings draping down on either side was inked on the back of his neck. Medium built.

"Daddy!" The little girl cheered, holding her hand out to him.

The man turned. Dad, I gasp.

"Hey, there's my little Moonface." He beams at the little girl, he's popping blue eyes dazzled with joy.

Confusion and envy ponders my thoughts. That's the name my Dad called me since I was, I was his Moonface. Then it all clicked, how stupid can I get! That little me. A younger version of me. The little girl who believed her Dad was the greatest hero in her life. Dad hoisted the little me into his arms, where she snuggled and hugged him tight. The cherishing love and jubilation radiated compassion, filling the hallow void in my heart.

Laughter fills the air as Seth, my dad, heaves her up in the air, regardless of her weight. A smile creeps upon my lips.

To my horror, what was once a clear blue, sunny sky was now being touched by darkness at its corners.

No! My eyes widen as I felt my pupil contract into a circle with less than a millimetre as radius. I stood, frozen in my spot as the spot of darkness evolves. The field of lavish lavender smothering into nothingness. I look at the father and daughter in front of me, their icy cold glare pierce into my skull as their skin peels off until there was nothing left except for skeletal bones. Desperately I search for a way out, running into the distance.

Black, pitch black. Feeling blinded, I continue seeking a way out when I fall into a hole in the surface below me, being plunge further and further into the unknown. With a rather loud crunch, I land my butt on a glass littered floor. No pain. Expecting to find blood and cuts, I stroke my butt but found it in perfect condition. I stand to my feet feeling the glass scrunch and dig into my bare feet but no agony, no pain. Strange.

Observing my surrounding, I find myself in a small dodgy, dimly lit apartment that reeked alcohol. An ear-splitting wail and crash made me flinch, a gut-wrenching sensation swirls within me and my palm sweats. This seems so familiar but I can't seem to make out what this place is.

"Don't you dare touch her!" A lamented female voice screams down the hallway.

I run in the direction of the voice, leading me to room left in ruins. Two people occupied the room, a woman with unkempt, blonde hair limping on the floor and a tall, built man with his fists clenched in a tight ball, fuming anger. My eyes sting with fresh tears, Mum and Dad.

My dad forcibly kick my mum in the stomach, falling unconscious. Loud whimpers leave my mouth as I scoot to my mother, my shoulders shaking. Her arms and face is covered with bruises as she lays senseless on the ground.

"Mum!" I choke.

My gaze moves from my lifeless mum to the alcoholic monster that inflicted the harm. Rage shot through me as I stood up against my dad who looked down at my mother, emotionless.

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