Episode 5: That One Mistake

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That day they beat me to death. They took me on body reprimand to tell the truth which I denied for I knew it was me pervading. They rushed me down to the cell and undressed me. Then they started whipping me with their leather belts until I bled and was left to my guts. They roughly threw me in that cage for I was the 'Ruthless Jack'.

There stood he in front of my naked eyes who I regret would ever forgive me for I committed an unpardonable sin, laughing with utter wildness ready to beat me. I was aching all over. My back was sore, my taut muscles were terribly bruised, stomach cramps. Jeez! Man those guys suck. It would cost me my entire life to bear those infliction and a seven year imprisonment. Nobody could understand the secret agony of my soul. The door itself opened with sheer excitement. "Please don't beat me. I'm sinless", as I broke into hysterics. "Typical is that!", barked the fat one.

Chain saws, manacles, whips plus darts and that big bloody wheel on which they would pin me and play the wheel of fortune which was rather a peculiar thing to do. That cage was hell in a cell. I hoped that at least sleep would bring peace to my cracking body. 

I don't understand those guys for they don't have a single inkling of humanity in them. They are a pure pain in the ass. Why are they doing this to me? I'm done man, 'Desperation'. The dead man walking. I shan't spare my life for such brutality inflicted upon me. Man! Leave me alone you shameless sons of bitches. PLEASE!!!

"All that you have to do for eyeball where it is, reach out for it like this and grab zoom out of the place to my ware house department", as Enik motioned his hand along. I did the same on reaching the residence, I eyeballed where it was, reached out for it just like Enik told me to do and grabbed zoom out of the place and to Enik's departmental ware house.

What I told him was that: "You aintcha worris", in rather an indignant tone. My journey was covered in Hyundai black Liana. The driver wore pink slacks, a loose grey jacket on top, brown trousers cum pants plus yellow leather boots. 'By the way, in reminiscence to the given residential address I was told, it seemed a familiar one which I Jack Mandrin had left four years back.

Then there stood a 6 ft. tall handsome boy indeed. He was the same boy, on when entering this world I had to leave my Danielle. What? I loved her! I told her to get an abortion for her own safety. It wasn't my fault, she wanted a child without a wed-lock. I was working for Enik. Wasn't I? And his Mafia gang? With my E-50 silenced pistol, I blew his head. I killed my...my...s-s-son. But why should I worry. I hate that child. That one mistake of killing an innocent child, my so-called "SON" landed me in HELL!!!

AlienatedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora