Chapter 49: Water, Water, Everywhere

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It was a little boring in the D.T.C lounge with no one to talk to. The rest of the team had gone out on dimension duty but I was, in a word, on house arrest.

Having just been affected by the Gauntlet, the guys didn't want me walking around out in the multiverse. Max had decided to stay with me, but something came up in Berk, causing him to leave ASAP. So I was left to my own devices.

I spent most of the day on my computer, trying to find the peridot's whereabouts. But when boredom strikes....

"What... happened to you?" I looked up to find Crystal staring at me from the doorway.

Yeah, I must've been quite a sight with my chin resting on one hand while tapping my fingers impatiently on the floor with the other. Oh, and did I mention? My body was stuck halfway through the floor.

Max's head poked above Crystal's shoulder, trying to see what was going on. He snorted as he caught sight of me behind the table. "Took the bracelet off again, huh?"

"Again?" Crystal echoed, walking over to me.

"Yeah. Danny's convinced that if he tries hard enough, he'll be able to control his ghost mode, despite the power malfunction," Max explained, coming over as well.

Crystal sighed and put her hands out, as if about to consult a crystal ball while Max held onto my wrist, clutching the silver stabilizer hanging there.

"Okay. One... two..." Max counted. "Three!" The stabilizer was yanked off my wrist and I immediately felt myself phase through the floor. A bubble of air surrounded me, lifting me back up and out of the ground. Once I was completely free, Max snapped the bracelet back onto my wrist and I solidified once more.

Crystal dispersed the air bubble and flopped onto the nearest arm chair. "Don't try that again, Danny," she said, eyes closed. "At least not without Raj around to help."

"Not strong enough to hold the winds by yourself?" Max teased.

Crystal's eyes snapped open and glared at him. "It's different from air bending, Maxie. I ask the winds for help. They give me free reign to use them for flying, but constraining them into one shape is against their nature. They fight against me. Just like what you did when Aunt Laura didn't let you have your way seven years ago in the game arcade."

Max was about to retort, but I cut him off. It was nearly dinner time and the last thing we needed was a sour mood from these two. "So, anything new today?" I asked, steering them out of the lounge.


"How do we know the peridot is in Camp Half-Blood?" I asked, putting my helmet on.

"We don't," Crystal said from the armory's entrance. "But since it is August there right now, it could be possible."

"Right," Max said, checking out his cerebrium sword. "And we're going on the word of your dear friend, Lee."

"Yes. Is there a problem, Maxie?" Crystal asked, crossing her arms in front of her.

"None," Max said a little too cheerfully, sheathing his sword. "Except maybe for the fact that he led us straight into a trap, the first time we listened to him!"

"Hey, it wasn't his fault! His sources must have been wrong or something."

"Or something," Max scoffed.

"Guys," I said in a warning tone. They looked at me and fell silent. "Crystal's right, Max. It wasn't all Lee's fault. He was just following his sources."

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