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Lana helped Mary to the nuns office. Up the stairs Mary held on tight to the brunette as she took each step a shooting pain ran down her spine. Once they reached the top the two women go into the office. Mary sits at her desk, and wipes away a tear before it can fall.

"Can I get you anything?" Lana asks as she watches the blonde look though a file for an officer she knew.

"Could you go into my room, and get my heating pad from the dresser, please." She asks as she reaches for the phone.

"Okay," Lana walks off to the room next to the office, and gets the heating pad.

She comes back, and Mary is on the phone. "Yes, I have him in custody, but I'm telling you he's not the killer..." she explains and looks up to see Lana. "Oliver Thredson. Yes, the doctor. I know because I have proof, Hopkins. Just come up here, and listen to the tape."

Lana walks over to the blonde and plugs in the heating pad.

"Okay, thank you." The nun sighs, and hangs up. "Thank you, Lana." Mary takes the heating pad, and places it behind her back, and softly whimpered at the pain.

"Do you want to lay down?" Lana asks slightly worried that the nun shouldn't be at a desk.

"Yes, but I don't want to go to the infirmary. Can you help me into my room?" Mary asks softly.

"Yes, come on."

Lana took the blonde's hand as wrapped her arm around her shoulders. They walked to the room joint to the office, and Lana stopped just before the bed.

"Let me get the heating pad before you lay down."


Lana gets the heating device and plugs it into next to the bed. She pulls down the blankets. "Come on."

"Lana, I need to take my gown off. If you need to, you can leave. The fabric is rubbing my burns to much, I can't stand it." The blonde says.

"It's okay, I'm supposed to watch over you. I'll be fine."

Mary nods and starts to unbutton her gown. Lana looks down and sees the white fabric drop. She hears the bed squeak, and she looks up to see Mary laying down on her stomach, her back was facing up and the blankets covered her bottom.

"Can you place the pad on my back?" Mary asks as she places her arms under her head as she looks at the brunette.


Lana heads towards the bed and looks at the nuns back. She can see bruises that go up her spine. No wonder she's hurting! Lana thinks as she carefully places the heating pad down on the woman's back.

"Mm, thank you." Mary said softly before shutting her eyes.

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