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A day had passed. The police came to Braircliff, and took Oliver Thredson from the building. All charges were dropped of Kits, and he was able to leave, but before doing so, he snuck out Grace. The two happily made way to Kit's home where they were planning to have their child.

Mary knew she wanted to get Lana out of the retched place, and back to her lover. Unfortunately, Mary didn't know that Wendy was no longer alive.


The nun sat in her room waiting on Lana to bring her dinner. While waiting she tried to think of a plan.

Soon the blonde heard the door open, and footsteps headed her way. She smiles upon seeing Lana carrying a tray of food for them both.

"I got Jude to give us an extra roll." Lana says before sitting at the foot of the bed.

"Jude..." Mary remembers the awful horrors that the Sister had endured. "How is she?"

"Uh, well she's okay. Still a bit loopy from the last electro shock." The brunette explains before taking a sip of soup.

"Goodness, I wish I could take it back." Mary says before sniffling back her tears.

"She knows."

"Knows what?" The nun asks with curious eyes.

"What happened to you. She tried to tell me before...that the devil had you. I told her about the exorcism too."

"What did she say?"

"Something like: 'Took then damn long enough! I thought she was going to kill us all.'" Lana says trying to impersonate Judy. "She want the last part in a joking way."

"Sounds like Jude...I just can't believe I did that to her. She was the only one here who didn't call me stupid, o-or an idiot."

"You're neither of those things, first off. And second, you didn't do that to her, Mary Eunice." Lana's tone is soothing to the blonde. She feels the woman grab her hand. "That was the devil. You are nothing like that. You're still kind, loving, and beautiful."

These words make Mary blush fiercely, as she tried to hide her smile by bitting her lip. A soft giggle slips from her lips as she nods. "Thank you, Lana."

"There's no need to thank me. It's all true. Honestly, I don't mind being stuck here if I'm around you." The brunette admits softly.

"About that, I want to leave."

Lana's heart drops.

"But, I want to take you and Jude out of here with me. You two don't deserve to be here. I never meant for you to get stuck here. I'm so sorry."

"Mary, don't apologize. It was my own fault. I wanted that story so badly that I put myself at risk. But, I'm glad you want to get out of here...just how are you going to do it?"

"The Monsignor is coming to see me later before lights out, and I'm going to tell him that I'm done. I can't handle being here after what happened. I know he will understand." The blonde explains.

"What about Jude and I?"

"I'll leave in the morning, before breakfast...I'll come get you two. I promise, I'm going going to leave without you."

The brunette smiles widely, "thank you."

"Of course, I bet you want to get back to Wendy." Mary says.

Lana heart aches at the name. She looks down, and sighs. "No."

The nun is confused and furrows her brows. "Lana, what's wrong? Don't you want to see her?"

"Yes, I would love to see her, but I can't."

"Why not?"

"Sh-she's dead, Mary."

She gasps, "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay..." the brunette looks up. "I don't think I could look at her after...after she locked me up."

"Oh, Lana." Mary laces her fingers with the other woman's. "I know it's hard, but she probably signed those papers, because of Jude."

"She thought her career was more important than me! I would rather be homeless than lose the love of my life."

Mary stayed silent, not knowing what to say now. She heard Lana sigh, and pull away from her.

"I'm glad she wasn't the love of my life, like I thought though." Lana adds.

"She's not?" Mary questions.


'I Shall Not Die||BananunOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz