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Mary gathered her things from her room before walking downstairs to a car that the monsignor was lending her so she could her back to the city. She heads back inside, and to the women's wing where she got Lana and Jude. Jude was still out of it from the intense electroshock the devil gave her but she was calm, seeing that the innocent and pure Mary Eunice was back on earth.

Lana drove the car, since Mary never learned how, and Jude was asleep in the back with a box of their things. "Where are we going?" Lana asks.

"I have a cottage north of here. We can stay there for a while, at least until we figure something out." Mary says.


After almost an hour of driving, Lana pulls up to a small wooden cottage in the middle of a forest. She parks, and turns off the car. Mary grabs the box of her things, and goes up to the house, while Lana wakes up Judy, and helps her into the house. The cottage had two bedrooms, one bathroom and a small kitchen. Jude went off to find the bathroom so she could finally take a proper shower.

Lana and Mary sat outside while Lana smoked. "I'm want to go into the city sometime soon. I can talk to my boss, and we can do a story on Briarcliff, maybe even get it shut down." She says.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Yes, Thredson is locked up, Kit's free with Grace, and you're back."

"Can I help?" Mary asks softly.

"If you want."

"I-I do, I want to get Arden in jail or something worse..."

"I know, he's an awful man."

The two women hear the door open, and Judy walks outside in a robe. "Can I have one of those?" she asks pointing to the cigarettes.

Lana nods and hands the former nun one before heading inside to take her own shower. Jude sits where Lana was and looks at the blonde.

"So, it worked?"

"Yes." Mary says softly.

"Do you remember anything from when it was in you?"

"Yes, I remember everything..."


"I'm so sorry, Jude." May tries to apologize but the other woman shakes her head.

"It's okay, I'm just glad you're back."

With that, it is silence.

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