Something he doesn't know

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You had a big argument with your boyfriend Ed, because you didn't told him an important thing. And the fact that he was touring and you lived in Germany and couldn't travel because of your health didn't made better. You barley talked with each other anymore only on the phone sometimes when he was drunk. You did everything to apologise, but he was really stubborn in this point. Honesty is one of the most important things for him in a relationship. It's not like you lied to him, you just didn't told him everything, especially those 2 years of you being a teenager after your parents died. Today was the day you moved to London to study at the college of your dreams. You left the plane (which was an amazing feeling itself cause you hate flying more than anything else on this world) and tried to get you luggage, but it had to happen: they lost it. You spend like 4 hours at the airport trying to get your luggage but without luck. You just wanted to get to your flat and sleep a bit after all this, but this should be the worst day of your life. Your flat wasn't done yet. The wallpapers where still on the ground, there was no water or electricity and the floor wasn't done. All you wanted to do was crying. This wasn't how you imagined it. All you could do now was trying to get a hotel, but this wasn't easy during the holiday time, so also no hotel room for you. After you cried for what felt like hours and walking through the streets of your new home you tried the only thing that got into your mind: you called Ed. The first ring, the second ring and he hung up. You prayed to god that he would pick up this time and tried again. He had to help you, even when he's probably thousand of miles away. After three rings he hung up again. You decide to text him and just tipped quick in your phone
"please pick up your phone, i really need you right now!"
The blue arrows appeared and you just tried it again. He didn't hang up after the fourth ring so you keep trying...Finally you heard the familiar voice at the other end 'What do you need?', saying. He sounded annoyed and angry. It made you so sad to hear his voice that your eyes just filled with tears again.
'I need your help', you answered quite and trying to hold the tears back.
'With what?'
'I'm lost. I moved to London and my flat isn't done yet, also there wasn't a single hotel room which they could give me and last but not least they lost my luggage', you explained quickly. Now you couldn't hold your tears anymore.
'Okay, calm down... when did you wanted to tell me that your moving to London? Was this another one of your secrets?', he asked and sounded even more angry than before, but he actually hadn't a reason for it.
'I told you! I told it you and I told you the exact date, but I guess you was just to drunk to notice that!', you nearly screamed back into the phone. Screaming at the only one who could help you wasn't probably the best decision.
'I can't remember... I will call a friend who picks you up and get you to my flat. We will talk later I have to do something more important...' he answered and hung up. You doesn't know any of his friends and your tears just don't won't to stop falling. You stayed at the same place you texted Ed for now like 30 minutes until a beautiful woman came along.
'You have to be y/n! It's nice to meet you! Ed told me a lot about you! I'm Alice by the way, you probably heard of me', she smiled at you. Of course did Ed told you about her. She was his first love and he never was really over her. You felt a weird feeling in your belly which probably was jealousy, cause of her beauty and the fact that Ed was with her. She took you to Eds apartment and explained everything to you like how the showers are working and to open the door, because it stick a bit.
'I got you some of my clothes, but your a bit more curvier than me so they will probably be a bit to tight, but I think you can wear a shirt of ed without problem. I guess he'll be back in one or two hours, but just feel like home! Oh one thing before I forget it: he's really pissed because of your fight so may you better stay at the guest room.', she said smiling but it faded at the end. She looked at you sad and hugged you. She's was such a lovely person, you can't even imagine that she did that to Ed.
'What do you mean he'll be here in one or two hours?', you asked her confused.
'He's in the studio but he'll be back soon', she said smiling again and left. You didn't know what to do. After trying to call the fly company again you decide to take a shower. You walked into Eds bedroom which Alice showed you before and picked a simple white shirt of his wardrobe. After that you went back into the guest room which was yours for this night. Alice thought it would may the best if your first stay here until you talked with him. You took the shower and felt much better after it. When you walked outside into the living room you saw Ed sitting on the couch watching you. You stopped walking unsure what to do. He noticed every move you made.
'Hey' was everything you was able to say. He got up and walked over to you. Only a few centimetres away from you he stopped. You couldn't look into his eyes. You and Ed never had a situation like this before, where it felt weird with each other. It felt like minutes until one of you did something. He lifted your chin up so you had to look into his eyes. You could stare at them for hours. He got closer to your face until your lips touched. It felt like the first kiss the two of you shared. It was gentle and passionate and just perfect. You felt the butterflies in your stomach going wild and you never wanted to stop kissing him again. He looked into your eyes and all he said was 'Why?'.
Of course you knew what he meant.
'You never asked and you said 'what past is past'. I never wanted you to feel this way.' You said still staring into his eyes. He let go of you and looked away. You reached for his hand so he would look at you again. The way he looks at you now is different, different from the other times, the time you shared before he found out about your past. There is still love in his look but also a lot of anger and sadness. It hurt to see him like this.
' I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry. If I could I would turn back the time, believe me I would, but I can't! I love you Ed! I love you so much and it's hurting to see you like this . All I want is that you look at me the same way you did before, so please tell what I have to do for this. Tell me what I have to do that you trust me again and that you forgive me!'. You felt the tears rolling down you face again and you don't even tried to hold them back this time. He looked at you and was quite.
After a time he said: 'I will never look at you the way I did, cause things changed. I wouldn't be angry if you had told me about your past and not Murray. I wanted to hear it from you not from somebody else. But you thought it wouldn't be necessary, you thought I didn't need to know, but damn it y/n! It's your past! I know that your life was complicated and sometimes still is, but was it to much to asked for it to tell me about this important time of your life? Was it?!' He asked and got louder. The look in his eyes was now only anger, there was no love anymore.
'In 2 years of our relation I'm sure you didn't told me things about your past, and may you forget also to tell me about things that don't mean so much for you but maybe are important for me. This time wasn't a good one for me and I'm not proud of it. All I wanted was to forget it. There only a few people in this world who know about it and i don't have any contact to one of them. I don't know how Murray found out, but I'm sure if he can your fans will find it out soon as well. I can understand if your worrying about your image. What would they say if they find out that your girlfriend was a criminal? But I can't take this anymore ' you showed between the two of you, ' I can't take this argument anymore! In two years you never could tell me you love, so tell me now: are loving me? Did you ever loved me? Or what am I for you, ed?' You tears got more and more. The look in his eyes got softer and he stroke your cheek while saying: 'you're the most beautiful girl I ever met. You are funny and intelligent and you care about the people around you. Every time you smile my day gets better. I only need to see you to feel better. You are the most important thing to me in this world, y/n, and there are no words to describe what you mean to me, but what you did...'
'So I better go and get dressed and pack the things I have. It's okay Ed, don't worry I will find a place to sleep.' You said pulling his hand away and turning away. You felt like shit. That's why you never told him: you know if you would he would hate you and he would turn away from you. You knew it would destroy your relation.
He gripped your wrist and turned you around. He kissed you like never before. It was passionate and rough and you enjoyed it so much. You let yourself fall into his arms and when he put a hand to your ass and whispered 'jump' into the kiss you jumped and wrapped your legs around him. You never kissed like this before and no one ever kissed you like this before. You felt how you moved and after a short time without breaking the kiss you felt something soft under you. He laid you down on his bed and interrupt the kiss to ask : 'how are you?', you looked at him confused...
'I mean... can we do it or are you not health enough for it? Will you be able or not?', he asked and stroke your wet hair back. You understood now. When you too got together you was really ill with lung cancer and sometimes the two of you couldn't even kiss because of you getting not enough oxygen, so you never had sex with each other. But since two moths you was clean. You're able to do now everything every other girl was able to do so you just smiled at him and kissed him again. He understood and smiled into the kiss, turning the both of you over

Your head was on his chest and he stroke your hair while your eyes got heavier and heavier.
'Do you forgive me?', you asked quite.
'I think it will take sometime to forgive you, but I love you y/n and loosing you because of this would be so stupid.' He said and kissed your head. You smiled and put your arm closer around him until you fell a sleep.

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