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It's not the first fight you had with Ed, but this time something was different. Usually he would come after you when you guys fought and you left the room. He would be by your side immediately and try to solve to problem you had, but this time you're alone. He didn't followed you. He isn't by your side right now.

It's the first time you visited his home in Suffolk. The first time you left America and flew to England. You took a week off because you knew he was home and wanted to spend time with his friends and family as much as he wanted to spend time with you. It all went well and even perfectly good. Yesterday the both of you went out to a romantic dinner and he gave you a necklace in the shape of an heart, which was made out of metal roses. It was absolutely beautiful.
When he put it around your neck he told you: "I want you to wear this necklace for the rest of your life as close to your heart as possible. You're the love of my life and I love you from the bottom of my heart and there's nothing that could change this, us. So if you love me the same way wear this necklace."

You didn't took the necklace off since yesterday until now. The heart pendant is in your hand and the necklace is tipping in the sand. A little breeze came along and your started to shake a bit. How stupid of you to went out without a jacket in the late days of autumn. But maybe you just wanted to leave, to be away from him. He hurt you with what he said and he knew it better than anyone else, but he was so angry he didn't seemed to care. From time to time you spend sitting on this cold beach you started to think if he might meant what he said. What if he actually thinks about you like that, but didn't wanted to tell you and it just came through in his anger?
You felt tears rolling down your checks again and press the heart pendent really close to your chest. You love him but he hurt you.
Somehow you want to throw this stupid necklace in the ocean and never see it again, but at the same time you want to wear it for the rest of your life.
Your checks are getting wetter and wetter by the time that pas.
Suddenly you felt someone touching your arm and looked up.
Annie, one of your best friends whom you met in America and the girl who got you to meet Ed was standing next to you.
You went to different universities but you still were best friends and the good friend she is she didn't wanted you to spend the evening alone. She took you out on a meeting with her old friends from England and soon you met this read headed guy who got you in this situation.

Without saying something she took you in her arms and started to rub your back, knowing it would calm you down.
She pulled away and wiped your tears away.
"What happened?"
"We had a fight. It was horrible.", you gave back and let out a sob.
"What was it about?"
"He wants me to move to England. I don't want to. All my friends and family are in America, where I belong to be! Not in this foreign country. I told him he could move to America, since it's not foreign to him at all, but he said that he wants to stay here with friends and family! He's having the same reasons why he doesn't wants to move but doesn't understand them when they are my reasons. But to be honest that wasn't the worst about the fight."
You started to cry harder, remembering what he said about you. She took you closer in her arms and you felt her comfortable warmth.
"I thought he was raising his voice so I told him that it doesn't make sense, since I can't hear anyways and he said that this is another problem. He said it's a problem that I'm deaf and that I'm not doing anything about it. That I would know that there are ways to get my hearing back and I told him that those are risky and expensive, but he didn't seem to care about what I said. He called me a cripple and I left. Now I'm hear, wondering if he really meant what he said" you sobbed harder than before.

"I'm sure he didn't meant it. what do you got in your hand?" She asked trying to distract you. You told her about it and a small smile came across your face, until you remembered the word he said about you. Cripple. He was right, you are one, but this doesn't gave him the right to call you like this, even though he knew how much it hurt you.

"I'm wondering if I should just throw it in the ocean and this whole relation with it.
I regret going with you this night. I regret letting him buy me a drink. I regret having this dance with him. I regret saying 'yes' to this stupid date. I regret that I took this week off for him and I regret flying here to be with him. I regret all of those things and I just want to be home in America.", you cry harder and harder with every sentence. You looked at Annie to see if she wanted to say something, but she looked up past you. You followed her eyes and saw him standing there. His hands in the pockets of his wind jacket.
You looked at his lips and saw him say: "I'm sorry to hear you regret all of those things and if you want I can get you a fly home, but I want you to know that I don't regret any of this. I don't regret that I brought this drink or took you out to this stupid date or whatever you called it. I enjoyed this date and I thought I had finally found the women I want to get old with, but I'm sorry that you didn't felt the same. I'm not even regretting this fight. I'm not regretting anything in this relationship, only if you didn't loved me the whole time." When you looked up from his lips you saw that he was about to cry and done everything to hold it back.

He turned around and you got even more angry. How dare he to just turn around and wants to leave? You threw this stupid necklace at him and got up. He turned around to see what you threw and bend down to pick it up.
You walked to him and pushed him, hit his chest. He didn't done anything about it, he just let you do it. And it was good for you. You needed it. You needed to let all your anger go.
"How dare you to just turn around and leave?", you screamed at him still hitting his chest and pushing him. He took your wrists and hold them tight to his chest. You couldn't move them anymore.
"What do you want me to do y/n? Do you want me to apologise? Do you want me to tell you that I regret everything? That I regret you when I actually love you?"
You stopped to wiggling and looked up at him. There was pain in his eyes.
"I want you to fight for me. I want you to fight for this love and I want you to stop calling me like that when you know how much that hurts me.", you told him looking in his eyes with a calm voice. There was no screaming anymore, just the two of you looking deep in each other's eyes. It felt like minutes passed and you closed you eyes, realising this is done. This relationship is over, when you suddenly felt his lips against yours. You knew this soft touch better than anything else. You tasted him, the cigarette he had on his way here and you can taste your tears. He holds you really tight and you enjoy his touch and his warmth. When he pulled away, you stared to shake again and he took his jacket off and put it around you.
"I will fight for you and I will fight for this love, but we need to talk about a lot of stuff, because I want this to work. I want us to work"
He put the necklace around your neck and took you in his arms once more.

Hey guys! ☺️ just wanted to let you know that requests are still open and that I would love to hear your feedback!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2018 ⏰

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