さん {Opening/Closing}

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At the beginning of every class, we will start with the traditional Japanese classroom opening. As so, we will end with the traditional Japanese closing.

Normally, we would stand, bow, greet and sit, but since this is not an actual classroom, it will be rather challenging.

So! I will go over the phrases and answers, and you can study them.



When bowing, the class will greet the Sensei, but the greeting varies by what time of day it is.

Good morning- Ohayou gozaimasu
Good afternoon- Konnichiwa
Good evening- Konbanwa
Good night- Oyasuminasai

There are casual terms used for greeting, but we will get into casual later.

Next, you will have a short conversation
Sensei: Genki desuka.
Class: Genki desu. Sensei wa genki desuka.
Sensei: Genki desu. Doumo arigatou.
Class: Dou Itashimashite.

Sensei: How are you?
Class: We are doing well. How are you?
Sensei: I am well. Thank you.
Class: You're Welcome.

Next, the Sensei will ask what day it is.
Sensei: Nan gatsu, nan nichi, nan youbi desuka.
As I am writing this, the date is September Twentieth, on a Tuesday.
Class: Kyuu gatsu, ni juu nichi, ka youbi desu.

Sensei: What month, what date, what day is it?
Class: Ninth month, twentieth day, Tuesday.

The days are:
Sunday: Nichi youbi
Monday: Getsu youbi
Tuesday: Ka youbi
Wednesday: Sui youbi
Thursday: Moku youbi
Friday: Kin youbi
Saturday: Do youbi

There are some days of the month that have their own name, but we will learn those after I get the essentials down.

After the day, Sensei will ask the time.
First, we will learn how to say it

Ima nan ji desuka.
Ima: time
Nan/nana: what
Ji: o'clock
Desuka: is it
- Time what o'clock is it?

I know this is not what you are used to, especially if you natively speak English.

The vocabulary will change depending on what time it is.
A.M.: gozen
P.M.: gogo

If it was 7:56 A.M., you would say
Gozen nana ji go juu roku fun desu.
Nana: 7
Ji: o'clock
Go juu: 50
Roku: 6

You would not need to say fun if were exactly on an hour. So if it were 3:00, you would say
San juu ji desu.
It is three o'clock.

Likewise, if the minutes were a single digit, you would not have to say the zero. Such as 4:09. You would just say
Yon ji kyuu fun desu.

Now, let's practice
I go to class at 9:56 A.M., so let's use this time.
Sensei: Ima nan ji desuka.
Class: Gozen kyuu ji go juu roku fun desu.

After the time, the Sensei will ask how the weather is. The class will respond with one of the various phrases:
Snowy: Yuki
Rainy: Ame
Cloudy: Kumori
Sunny: Hare
At the time I am writing this, it's raining cats and dogs.

Sensei: Tenki wa dou desuka.
Class: Ame desu.

Sensei: What is the weather like?
Class: It is rainy.

If you were to directly translate this, the Sensei would really ask, "What is heaven's mood?" Weird, huh?

Finally, the Sensei will ask how it feels outside. Depending on the temperature, the class will respond differently.

Hot: Astui
Warm: Atatakai
Cool: Samui
Cold: Suzushi

Right now, it is around 60 degrees, so it feels rather cool.

Sensei: Ondo wa nandesuka.
Class:  Samui desu.

Sensei: What does it feel like?
Class: It is cold.

After this, class starts.

At the end of the class, all that is said is:

Sensei: Kiritsu
Sensei: Kyotsuke
Sensei: Rei
Class: Sayounara

Then the students gather their stuff and file out of the classroom.

Next chapter, we will have our first Vocab List.


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