September 9th,2016

21 1 0

Hmm so I'm back and I know I have not been updating things were starting to look good for a few days I meet a boy online his name was Tony and we both liked each other and he asked me out we were doing so good he made me feel pretty and like I'm worth something again but one day we did not text all day and I asked him if he was mad at me and he said no so we texted for a little and then something else happened while we were texting.. I was starting to get lots of hate people just saying for me to die already and that I'm worthless an I'll never be happy and I don't deserve to smile so I believed every single word they all said and that night I was really wanting to die and he said that "he can't do nothing about it but thinks we should end things" like what the fuck I don't know if I'm just over reacting or some shit but it really did hurt me because I was always there for him like when his friend died and he was sad and when his parents would fight or when he was sooo sad about his ex dying I WAS THERE but the one time I really needed him he was not there and the worst part is that when he said that I said "ok sure if that's what you want" he the. Said " don't care" like of fucking course I care.. I care about him so fucking much that I did not mind that he all he really talked about for a whole day was his ex girlfriend most girls would get annoyed but I did not because I fucking loved and cared about him so much that he could talk about something so stupid and I would listen to him all day because I loved talking to him because he would make me smile so much by just being him

Everyday feelings Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora