A Love Of Your Own

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While Lex was in the shower, I got dressed and made me something to eat. We were heading back to the hospital so we could see if there Vanessa's baby is mine. I know for a fact that that baby is not mine.

"You ready?" I asked Lex who was tying up her shoes.

"Yeah." She said as she got up off the bed.

"See you finally wearing them shoes." I said looking at her. She was wearing the Crimson 3's. I had bought them for her the day they released which was about 10 months ago.

"Shut up." She said pushing me out the way. "Can we take the Impala?" She asked

"Why not the BMW?" I questioned

"I told you it was acting funny Chris. You don't listen." She said grabbing her jacket and putting it on.

"I listen." I said grabbing my hoodie and beanie. When we got to the hospital, we got directions to Vanessa's room. Walking in, Lex sat down on the couch by the window.

"Hey Chris." Vanessa smiled at me as I didn't reply back. I looked at the newborn infant and thought to myself, ain't no way in hell this baby is mine.

"We came to get a test." Lex said. I looked at her as she rolled her eyes.

"Trying to Deny Chris as the father again I see." Vanessa said. I already knew they was gonna get into it.

"Bae chill." I whispered to her.

"I'll be outside." Lex said getting up and walking out.

"I want a test Vanessa. I'm not kidding or anything." I said before walking out.

"That ain't your baby." Lex said when I walked out.


"That ain't your baby. He has none of your features." She said looking up at me.

"Now you know." I said as she hugged me. "No test?" I asked

"Nope. You're good to go." She smiled up at me as I kissed her forehead.


"No Chris.!! I'm so serious." Lex shouted

"Nope. You gon get it. Should have never hit me with that baby powder." I said holding to eggs in mg hand.

"You scared me." She laughed

"You scared me my ass." I said running after her.

"No Chris. Stop playing." She whined

"Yo ass is mine." I said laughing. I chased her up the stairs to our room and back down into the living room before collasping on the floor.

"You done playing?" I asked

"Yes." She said scooting close to me.

"Good. I ain't got the energy to mess with you anymore." I laughed.

"Boy, you always messing with me. What you talking bout?" She laughed.

"You." I said as I laid my head on her chest.



"You know that I'm ticklish Chris." I said as I rubbed his back.

"You should be use to it by now." He said

"Well I'm not." I said slapping his hands away. We were laying on the couch watching TV after Chris had showered. Everything was going good until his phone ranged.

"Hello?" He answered, "Wassup? For real? You ain't bsing are you?" He said getting up. "I'm on my way." He said before hanging up.

"Where you going?" I asked.

"Something came up at work." He said grabbing his shirt off the chair and putting on his beanie.

"Work?" I questioned.

"Bae, chill. I do this for a reason. Let it be." He said tying up his shoes, then grabbing the keys to the Camero. "Love you. See you when I get back." He said before Kissing me.

"You too." I rolled my eyes.

"Quit rolling them eyes." He said pecking my lips one last time before leaving.

Oh Chris...


Quick update.... Game Day... Try to get the next one posted tomorrow.!! Leave COMMENTS.!!!!





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