New campers

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I was sitting around by the docks my uncle owns camp Bushwhack, my family wanted me out of the house so they sent me here with my crazy uncle.

Just finished a drawing of my uncle I stopped, I was watching the sky and water as I saw some boats coming. I waved to my uncle as they came up to the dock.
I packed up my stuff and put my camera around my neck.

"Oh Luna did you check on the food for tomorrow?" My uncle crawl yelled as they where docking I nodded and give thumbs up. He smiled and started getting kids out of the boats, I was watching the kids pass me I saw a kid who looked like a mermaid or vampire??

'Oh I feel bad for the kid they must call him a goth kid or vampire.'

He looked my way I smiled and did a little wave.

I walked to some of the people around my uncle. "Boys this is my little niece Luna, hope you all get to know her." I smiled and took a picture of them.

This kid who looked like he was famous or at lest raised by someone famous looked at me, "don't take photos of me." He almost yelled at me as he stomped off.

I watched him stomp off. I looked to see some people watch what happened. I turned back to my uncle, "well then I need to fish out my phone soon." He said with a sigh I laughed.

-a little later-

I was swimming, no one was around good I need to make sure no one sees this tattoo. I know I know what's the big deal well I got it from my aunt for my 14th birthday, none of my family liked that I got one tho my uncle just doesn't care. My parents think I'm going to start doing drugs and drinking
And that I'm not smart, lazy, and won't be trusted cause I got a tattoo.when you have people around saying this stuff you start thinking that your not worth anything trust me I know. I know some people are just getting to their cabins and getting cabin photos, I was just getting out of the water, I heard some people walking on the path I went to hide my self with a towel but I was to late, there was the vampire kid.

I looked over my shoulder right at him, I couldn't move. He smiled and chuckled a little, "nice tatt..." I snapped out of it and grabbed my stuff. I walked fast pass him, "sorry" I said in a rush.

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