I joined the chipmunks

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I was walking on the path as I saw the chipmunks doing archery. I walked up to them. "Hello chipmunks, im Luna if you haven't heard, I see you are doing archery." I smiled shyly

They all nodded at me "well I hope you guys have fun." I walked away as I felt someone grab my hand I looked back to see the goth boy, he smiled and whispered in my ear. "By the way Nice tattoo." I was shocked I looked at him as he sat back down. I snapped out of it I walked away.

I was walking and I saw one of the Badger kids making fun of the kid that looked like a nerd, "what's wrong mommy boy, home sick go home geek!" He said while laughing. I walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder,  "sorry your a badger right?" I asked he looked me up and down and he smirked "what's up beautiful." He said if I didn't have a grossed out faced before I do now "nothing to you jerk, maybe you should say sorry to the kid." I said as I crossed my arms, he's smirk was gone.

"How about no, and you can't make me." He said as he went to leave again.

I grabbed his shoulder and punched him in the face. "You shouldn't have said that." He looked at me as he had blood flowing out, his friends and him ran away.

I smiled and looked back to the kid, "please don't hurt me" he looked scared I walked over to him and sat down.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, that badger kid is a different story." I smiled

I got up," i should go I'll see you around and don't listen to the others here at the camp, I understand I don't belong here too." I walked away.

-a little bit later-
I was walking down a path taking some pictures of the trees and all that. I heard someone behind me. I was listening when I heard more voices.

I looked around and there was the chipmunks. I waved and some of them smiled back and waved. "Hello again chipmunks, what are you doing out here?" They looked at me.

"We are going to go to the cheerleaders camp." The one said I looked at them confused.

The CIT came running up and started talking to them all I heard was parts something about. Scary stories, and them coming true.

I was laughing as the other was saying they were going to the cheerleaders camp. "You have to go over the water to get there." I and twilight said at the same time. I looked at him as he looked at me. They started running I was dragged along, I was running as I saw twilight pulling me with them.

Someone popped out of the woods we all screamed and ran the other way following --- . We ran into a building, we closed the door and we saw --- looking at us with a smile. They all asked him why here ran into here. "Oi what was that." I asked I was more confused now then I was before, they looked at me. "Zombie was chasing us." The CIT said. "Oh.... Cool" I said everyone looked at me like I was crazy. I just smiled, then the zombie broke the door open we ran down the hall to a opened room.

They rushed us all into a little room. I looked at them as they shut the door. 'So zombies hmmm I love how this is going maybe my zombie camp training from last year will be helpful.'
We hear them talking outside.

I looked around and saw something of the shelf behind us I went to go check it out. But I felt my self fall down and I saw black.

-after when leaving-
I woke up to see myself of someone's back. I looked to see it was the new consuler, the CIT was beside him and the others where behind us.

I looked around I didn't have my camera around my neck. "You know you can put me down now." I said I felt him jump a little guess I scared him a little. He put me down, "are you sure your okay??" The CIT asked I nodded and looked around some more, "ummm where is my camera??" He smiled.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around and saw vampire kid he smiled and held my camera out to me. I smiled and took it and put it around my neck. "Thanks" I said he nodded. We started walking again, we where walking behind everyone els.

"Your not like other girls here are you?" The boy that I heard people call twilight or goth boy asked.

"No I would kinda hope your not like the other boys." I said back

"I'm not.... I hope we could be friends" he said I got up and walked on a big rock.

"Sure and I need to know, why do they call you twilight?"

"Nickname... Lots of people call me that." He shrugged.

"Why do you have a tattoo." He asked me. I looked at him,

"I don't know what your talking about." I said I walked a little faster.

He put his hand on my shoulder. "Yes you do now why do you have it?" I looked at him we where back into camp. I stopped and he stopped with me I whispered into his ear.

"Because it's what sticks out when I show it, I'm different..." I walked away with that

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