Chapter 2

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Remembering back to that first day brought tears to Clary's eyes as she knew she had to make a choice.


"Is he here?" Clary asked. They'd just arrived at an empty clearing high up in the hills as Jocelyn said this was one of the safest areas to train without people finding you.
"Yes he's here. Now, I want you to get out of the car slowly and go to the boot. In there, there will be two seraph blades and four daggers. They're what you'll be using today and your trainer will help whenever you need it. I've got to go but I'll be back in two hours. Have fun." Jocelyn smiled and Clary jumped out of the car following her mother's instructions. Her mother left and Clary was alone. She made her way in to the centre of the clearing and a dark figure approached her with ease. At first, Clary couldn't see the face of her new trainer but she could tell he had a strong presence. She felt anxious about meeting him and she was hoping he wasn't going to be as good as Jace just so she could tell her mother that he was crap at training her, whereas Jace was excellent at training her. The bold figure was closer to Clary than when she last looked and now she could clearly see a tanned male, late teens she'd of said with dark brown hair with subtle light brown highlights. Clary couldn't help but stare at her new trainer and now he was right in front of her.
"Clary?" The trainer said holding out a hand.
"Yes?" Clary said raising her voice as she took his hand shaking it. He had a firm grip and she felt tingles run up her arm; tingles she had only felt with Jace.
"Hi, I'm your new trainer, Elliot." Elliot said letting go of Clary's hand.
"I've been told that you're trained and experienced. Am I correct?" Clary spoke trying to sound like her mother.
"Yes, all shadowhunters in Idris are a lot more trained and experienced than those at Institutes, especially if they're required to be personal trainers for the higher shadowhunters." Elliot explained.
"What do you mean by 'higher shadowhunters'?" Clary asked.
"I'm sorry. Higher shadowhunters are families or individuals that were purely from the angel Raziel. So, like yourself, both your parent's families are descendants from the angel himself meaning they require more training to gain their full shadowhunter abilities." Elliot said sounding like a history teacher.
"Oh, right. Well, you learn something new everyday right?" Clary said giggling. Elliot also let out a small laugh and then his face went serious.
"So Miss Fairchild; are you ready?" Elliot asked taking out one of his seraph blades. He said its majestic name and the light brightly shone. Clary did the same and her sword came to life.
"Let's begin." She answered.

Two hours later and Clary was worn out. Her and Elliot had gone full out on training and she wondered if this would be an everyday occurance. Just as she was about to ask him; her mother pulled up. Jocelyn got out of the car like a graceful swan. Her feet looked like they never touched the ground; she was flawless. Jocelyn got to Clary and Elliot and she smiled at Clary's weapons on the floor.
"You look a bit tired dear. Elliot didn't train you too hard did he?" She asked.
"Not hard enough I'd say. That was easy." Clary said sarcastically trying to catch her breath.
"Well tomorrow I'll make sure it's not that easy. Will that be okay?" Elliot said turning to Jocelyn seeking her approval.
"Of course it will be Elliot. You're the trainer after all." Jocelyn replied hauling Clary off of the ground.
"Mom, I think I need some new gear." Clary said looking down at her slashed clothing.
"We can sort that out back at home. Thank you Elliot, we'll see you tomorrow; same place, same time." Jocelyn said pulling Clary back towards the car.
"Bye Miss Fairchild, bye Clary." Elliot called out. Clary quickly turned and waved giving a simple smile in return.

By the time Clary was changed and ready for bed it was 9pm. She was exhausted and she thought it would be best if she got an early night. Her mother agreed with her and she ushered her upstairs. Clary found her rucksack under her bed and she pulled it out. As she did, Isabelle's present fell out; Clary had completely forgotten it was in there. She pulled her bag and the present onto her bed and she started unwrapping the gift. The first thing she noticed was that it was pink. The second thing she noticed was that that was just another layer of wrapping paper. Isabelle had really made this into a game of loner pass the parcel. Thanks you. Clary thought. She carefully unwrapped the pink layer and she saw the back of a photo frame. She turned it over and a tear ran down her cheek. The photo in the frame was one that was taken when Clary and Jace had first got together; Isabelle had photobombed it and her face in the corner of the picture brought a smile to her face. There was a sticky note attached to the photo and just two words were written; Never Forget. Clary knew that her mother wanted her to forget all about home and if she saw the picture, Clary knew she'd smash it and chuck it away. She started wrapping the paper back around the picture and the note when there were cries and screams coming from downstairs. Clary got out of bed and quickly chucked on a jumper and leggings. She grabbed a couple of daggers and hoped that the noise wasn't her mother. As she made her way down the hallway, the screams became clearer and it was obvious that those were her mothers sceams. She ran straight down the stairs and into the living room. There in the middle was her mother tied and beaten with a demon lashing out at her. The poison covered every inch of Jocelyn's body and the burns were already beginning to sink straight into her skin; she would not recover from those burns. Clary yelled and the demon turned, shocked, it pounced on Clary and they fell to the floor. Clary's vision went dark and she began seeing stars but she wouldn't let one demon defeat her. She fought trying to get her hands free so she could kill the bastard, but the demon had a very firm grip on her. Jocelyn cried out as more and more demons appeared; they both knew they wouldn't survive. This was the end. Demons were advancing on Jocelyn and Clary and they were both shouting at eachother trying to get orders heard but the screeching of the demons meant that nothing they said was audible. Clary prayed for her and her mothers safety, but at this point, she knew it wouldn't do much.

In the far left hand corner of the living room, one demon had set itself alight and now it was spreading the fire through the rest of them. Soon enough, the entire place would go up into flames and so would they. Clary relaxed her body and thought of happy times. Times of her and Jace in the hidden gardens, Isabelle getting her that brand new wardrobe, Alec finally being happy for Jace because he was in love and she thought of her mother. The woman who was kind, caring, loving, powerful, strong and independent; all the things Clary wished she were. And now she was the woman tied up in front of her eyes and she could do nothing about it. Tears filled Clary's eyes and she wished her death would be quick. The flames had slowly reached her mother and they engulfed her entire body in one. Screams started but then stopped; her mother was dead. Clary burst into tears as the demon on top of her burst into flames itself. Clary's last thoughts were, I love you Jace. I love you Isablle, Alec, Maryse and Robert. I'm sorry; I will Never Forget. And then the flames slowly took over.

***end of flashback***

"Hey Iz, you've not spoken to Clary lately have you?" Jace said sitting down on Isabelle's bed. It had now been three years since any of them had heard from Clary and they were surprised that she hadn't called or picked up the phone.
"No Jace, not since the last time you asked. Now quit bugging me about it, she's probably got a new phone and moved on. If you want advice, I suggest you start to forget everything that ever happened between you two. Call it a 'sisterly' bond but I've had dreams Jace, like dreams that show me the future and whenever Clary's in them she's never here and she's always with another guy." Isabelle said rummaging through her closet looking for something new to wear.
"She...she's not coming back is she?" Jace asked.
"I'm sorry Jace but it doesn't look that way." Isabelle spoke quietly trying not to hurt his feelings even more than she already had by keeping Clary's secret.
"I need some air." Jace spoke clearly and directly. Isabelle could tell he was pissed off and annoyed and she let him leave without another word. Isabelle knew she was hurting him by not telling him the truth about Clary but she'd promised not to tell him; not yet anyway. Isabelle knows only as much as Clary tells her and Isabelle gets all the information through her dreams. Clary had told her that she'd met Elliot and that she and her mother were dead. When Isabelle woke up from that dream she cried and she couldn't stop. Alec went in to check on her and she passed it off as just a bad dream and that it was nothing to worry about. Alec had then left her and she continued crying. The next day, Isabelle stayed in her room and no one interrupted her; they respected her privacy. The next night, Isabelle dreamt of Clary again but this time Clary told her that she was a ghost and she couldn't come back to New York just yet, but it wouldn't be long before she did. Clary also told her that only the people she wanted to see her could see her and when Isabelle had woken up she was all cheery again.

"Alec?" Isabelle shouted. Alec rushed in and looked around searching for the danger.
"What, what's wrong? What's happened?" He said still searching.
"Which one's better?" Isabelle asked holding up two different dresses.
"Izzy! I thought you were in serious danger! But I'd go with the left one." She laughed and pushed him back out of her room. Isabelle slipped on a tight, red bodycon dress and she quickly did her hair. She put a soundless rune on the soles of her heeled, thigh high boots and then she pulled them on. She left her room in persuit of Jace. He needed some serious cheering up and she was taking him out to their favourite club. She went to his room first and he wasn't there which was good because now she could pick out some clothes without him talking about which outfit he looked sexier in. She chose navy blue torn jeans and a black silk shirt; she knew he wouldn't want to stand out too much, especially if he was going against his will. She went into the kitchen and there he was at the counter, nibbling on some chicken he'd obviously cooked; it was very rare for Jace to cook.
"Right, put the chicken down and get changed now! We're going out!" Isabelle shouted throwing the clothes at him.
"Izzy, I'm not going out." Jace replied biting off another piece of chicken.
"Oh yes you are, and you should know better than to say no to me."
"Urgh! Fine! I'll get changed but don't expect me to be happy. Where are we going anyway?" He asked Isabelle.
"To a little club we love so much. Now get changed." Isabelle said folding her arms. Jace finished the last of the chicken and he got changed. Isabelle wasn't bothered about Jace getting changed in front of her, it just annoyed her becasue all he did was boast about his sexiness.

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