Chapter 4

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The views were astonishing and as Clary and Isabelle landed in a field, Isabelle couldn't help but think how fast the transportation had been.
"Where are we?" Isabelle asked looking around.
"We're in my old training field. This is where I meet Elliot." Clary replied.
"You didn't live far from here did you?" Isabelle said turning to face Clary. Clary's faced dropped.
"No, no I didn't. Would you like to see it?"
"Hmm..I'm not sure if that would be a good idea but seeing the mysterious Fairchild Manor would definitely score me some points." Isabelle smiled and so did Clary.
"Okay, fair enough. But I'll worn you now, there's not much to look at; my mothers only just started rebuilding it."
"Wait, I know your mother's a ghost too but how can see rebuild the manor all by herself?" Isabelle wondered and Clary looked at her inquisitively.
"Well... we're ghosts so we don't have to sleep. Meaning, we have all the time in the world, literally." Clary giggled and Isabelle just stared at her.
"Right, okay. Well then, let's go." Isabelle said.

"Alec?!" Jace shouted.
"What Jace? I'm busy if you hadn't noticed." Alec said cleaning some of his weapons.
"I had noticed actually, now where's Isabelle? I need to bombard her with questions about Clary." Jace said leaning against the wall.
"She's not here." Alec said.
"What do you mean 'she's not here'?" Jace said raising an eyebrow.
"She's not coming back until Monday, she's gone away for the weekend with a friend of hers." Alec explained.
"I can't wait until Monday Alec, I need answers now!" Jace shouted.
"Well sorry Jace but you're going to have to wait. Now leave me alone you're ruining the good atmosphere in here." Jace turned around and left slamming the door behind him. He knew there was no point in arguing with Alec as he knew he'd loose.

After another quick transportation, Clary and Isabelle were now stood right in front of the wreckage. The burnt down Manor was not a pretty sight and Isabelle gasped as she saw just how much damage was actually done. As she looked over at Clary, she could clearly see her eyes beginning to fill with tears. Isabelle walked the short journey over to Clary and put her arm around her.
"Hey, there's no need to cry. I know this is upsetting but we'll be fine, I know this is a shock for you. It's an even bigger shock to me to be quite honest. I never imagined it to be this bad."
"I'm sorry," Clary mumbled, "it's just hard to see the remains of the Manor knowing both mine and my mothers remains are still in there." Clary spoke clearer now not being afraid of her past.
"Wow, that must be hard. Clary I'm so sorry, I had no idea it was this bad." Isabelle said looking over towards the burnt, black shards of glass and brick.
"I've come back here so many times and it's only now when I'm with you that I can say, I can finally move on. It doesn't matter if my burnt body is still in there because there's nothing nobody can do about it. It was a horrible thing to have happened but nothing can change the past. We should all know that." Clary said wiping away the last remaining tears. She collected herself and now she was as strong as she mentally could be for a ghost. "Elliot's at the clearing, we should go." Isabelle nodded and they 'flew' back to the clearing.

In the distance Isabelle could see Elliot walking towards them and she couldn't take her eyes off of him; he was so...captivating. She noticed how tanned he was and she purely noticed this because he wasn't wearing a top.
"Clary? That's Elliot?" Isabelle quietly said.
"Haha yes Izzy, that's Elliot." Clary replied.
"Oh. Clary, did you two have a...thing?" Isabelle 'politely' asked.
"What makes you think that?" Clary laughed and now Elliot was nearly stood in front of them.
"Nothing apart from his amazing good looks and he looks like he's in love with you." Isabelle quickly said before Elliot finally reached them.
"That's probably because he is." Isabelle just stared at Clary. Elliot, with his tanned torso out, stood in front of Clary and Isabelle with a certain charm that Isabelle had only seen in Jace. Maybe that's why Clary likes him so much, Isabelle thought.
"Morning ladies." Elliot said winking at Clary.
"Morning." Clary said blushing. Her cheeks were as red as a rose and Isabelle intervened.
"Hi, I'm Isabelle but obviously you know that because you and Clary are so close." She said looking towards Clary and then back at Elliot.
"Well yeah we are parabatai so that tends to be one of the reasons why." Elliot answered laughing.
"Clary! Why didn't you tell me?" Isabelle shouted shaking Clary's shoulders.
"Well it never really came up in conversation so I didn't really see the point in telling you." Laughing, Clary put her hands over Isabelle's and slowly pulled them off her shoulders. Clary knew she probably should have mentioned it but truth is, she really didn't think it was that important.
"Of course it's important Clary! When a shadowhunter finds their parabatai it's the most wonderful thing in the world because so many don't tend to find them before they die; sad I know but it's the truth." Isabelle stated.
"Yeah suppose. I'm sorry I didn't tell you Isabelle." Clary said giving her a quick hug. Elliot smiled and began to speak when Clary interrupted.
"Now, Elliot why haven't you hugged me yet?" Clary said winking at him. She blushed and Elliot dived in for a big bear hug. Isabelle clearly saw a past relationship in that hug but she knew she could wait until later to ask Clary about it.
It was now getting dark and after spending an entire day reminiscing over past times, Clary and Isabelle agreed to spend the night at Elliot's as no other accommodation was available.

"Clary? Are you still up?" Elliot said peering round the door.
"Yeah Elliot, I'm just reading; come in." Elliot came in and sat next to Clary. She sat up and rested her head against the headboard.
"What's up?" Clary said.
"I wanted to talk to you about something." Elliot said. He cleared his throat and looked deeply into Clary's eyes. He noticed her blush and he went ahead.
"Right, this isn't easy for me and after everything that happened three years ago I need to be clear with everything. When we went out Clary I was so happy and it didn't matter if you were a ghost because that didn't stop us from being together. I hate to say it Clary but when you left, a part of me died and I couldn't live without you. I still love you Clary and I want us to be together again." Clary was speechless. She was so shocked that she just couldn't find her voice to tell him that she still loved him. So instead, she put her hands around his neck and leaned in closer.
"Clary.." Elliot started to say but Clary closed the gap between them and put her lips to his. He was shocked at first but after a second, he began to kiss her back and this was no innocent kiss. Clary made Elliot a ghost like her so they could feel each other properly. Elliot started to deepen the kiss and Clary complied. She let his tongue explore her mouth and she thought he tasted of oranges and mango; two of her favourite things. Elliot moaned into her mouth and she did the same. Elliot took his hands away from Clary's face and his put them on her hips pulling her closer to him. They both felt inseparable and then Clary went light-headed. She pulled away and gasped for air. Elliot looked at her, both breathing heavily, smiled and she moved her self in to a more...comfortable, position. She was now sat on his lap and staring into his eyes with lust. He smirked and pulled her in for another kiss. Elliot grabbed Clary's thighs and stood up. He then dropped on to the bed with Clary underneath him; she giggled. It's not like they've not been here before so Clary knew what was next and she wanted it to happen because she still loved Elliot.

Isabelle was in the kitchen cooking breakfast when Clary and Elliot waltzed in hand in hand giggling about something. Isabelle knew what had happened and she smiled to herself.
"Morning guys! I hope you don't mind Elliot but I made breakfast for us all."
"Oh no Isabelle that's great tha-" Elliot was cut off by a screaming Clary.
"NO!!! DON'T TOUCH THAT FOOD! Sorry Izzy but we don't want Elliot getting food poisoning do we?" Clary said laughing.
"Yeah actually, don't touch that." Isabelle joined in with the laughter as she tossed the poisoned food into the bin. "Now that death trap's in the trash, what did you two get up to last night?" She asked winking at them both.
"Nothing much really, just caught up chatting you know." Elliot spoke quietly like he was somewhat embarrassed at what had happened.
"Hmm..Clary? Care to elaborate?" Isabelle said looking over at her.
"No, that's exactly what happened. Sorry Iz if you were expecting more goss." Clary laughed and went over to the fridge pulling out a banana and some milk. She unscrewed the milk top and drank straight from the carton. She knew Elliot wouldn't mind and he just smiled and walked over to her. He wiped away some milk that had escaped and smiled at her looking intensely into her eyes.
"I'm going to train. I'll see you girls later." Elliot said stroking Clary's cheek with his thumb and then he left.
"Okay! Spill! Clary, don't deny it; I saw the way you two came in here." Clary knew her words were true but she didn't want Isabelle to remind her of Jace.
"Okay yeah fine we had night." Clary said peeling the skin off of the banana. She took a bite and noticing it had gone off, she chucked it in the bin along with Isabelle's omelettes.
"HA! I knew it! Ohh Clary, you've done well; he's sooo hot!" Isabelle exclaimed.
"Yeah well thanks for that Isabelle and you best be ready in half an hour because I'm taking you out on our last day here." Clary said placing the milk back into the fridge.
"Let me's a surprise?"
"Yep! Now you best go get changed if you want to come with me." And with that, Isabelle was out of the kitchen like a shot as she knew she would need the full half an hour to try and find something to wear.

Half an hour later and Clary was saying goodbye to Elliot. Isabelle came down the stairs just in time as she overheard them talking.
"I've truly missed you Clary; please visit again soon. And what happened between us..that, must never get revealed because we know what happened to me the last time someone found out."
"I'll come back and don't worry, I won't let anyone hurt you again. I may be dead but I'll protect you from death for as long as I can. And no one will find out, I promise." Clary replied. She hugged Elliot and was just about to shout Isabelle when she came bounding down the stairs.
"Ready! See I can get ready in time." She said landing gracefully in front of Clary and Elliot. Eliot let go of Clary's waist and hugged Isabelle.
"Thanks for coming Isabelle, let's hope that next time we can get to know each other better."
"No problem, I couldn't let Clary come on her own now could I?" She laughed and released Elliot. Clary swung a rucksack at her and they left.
"Now Izzy, when we get there you have to be quiet okay? No one can know we're there." Clary said pulling her hair into a loose ponytail.
"Well that's going to be hard considering it's me but I will for you." She smiled and they transported to Isabelle's surprise.

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