time goes on...

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we have missed 20 years so okay !

dear journal ,
wait can i put that well i dont know and i dont really give a shiny rats arse.
so a couple of months ago me and oli got dirvoced we still talk and try to act civil around each other , for  Amelia's sake.
Whos amelia you ask ??
Amelia is our 15 year old daugther.
i have been concerend about Amelia about how well she is taking all this in , moving , me and oli getting divorced and just generally life.
oh yeah we moved to a little town called Long Eaton !
its nice not a big difrence to sheffield well its alot smaller its quiter and no oli in sight , well i here kids year 7 i rekon mention him some times while im walking down the street and when they play Deathbeds out loud auggh it sucks to know that the song was meant for me !!!
i havnt really talked to anyone from sheffield in a while.
bye journal 


i was down the grave yard with some of my friends.
what we are doing down here mum can never ever find out about.
were smoking crack and all these diffrent drugs.
Mum has been a bit suspicious of me recently i think she on my tail , so im drinking enough water so you cant smell the horrible drugs.
i dont even know why im smoking im only 15 but my life has been a mess of recent so im stressed.
'' oi sykes'' parker shouted
'' what up parker ?'' i ask , Parker is one of my best and closest friends he is older then me though hes 17.
'' want to get some water then go back to yours ?, im done for the day '' Parker states.
'' why do yoju want to go back to mine ?'' i ask
''my mums in town and i cant stand her.'' he explains.
Parker is still in his chavy phase so luckily he dosnt know who oli is , so i know he likes me for who i am.
'' alright , will you be staying the night ?'' i ask with a little smile
'' do you  want  me to ?'' he questions ?
'' my mums in and shell probably just moan at me foir being out all day , i coukd really use the company.'' i state
'' will she approve of a 17 year old druggie sleeping in her 15 year old daugthers bed ?'' he asks 
'' who cares if she dosnt approve your my best friend 17 old druggie shel love you '' i ensure
'' all right its a deal , aslong as you love me more then her.'' he didnt mean to say that i guess it just came out.
''what ???? , its a deal'' i confirm .

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