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Bonnie drew in a deep breath and strode into the kitchen to speak with his parents and grandparents. "Mom, Dad, Grandma, and Grandpa, as today is my eighteenth birthday, I decided it would be a good idea to tell you this now." Bonnie took a moment to steel his nerves before finishing. "I... I'm gay, and I have a boyfriend." He finally said, after 7 years of holding back, he finally told them of his sexuality. They all stiffened. "What's his name?" Bonnie's grandfather asked.
"Foxy. Why?" He replied.
"You're going to call him on Skype, now, and dump him." His Grandpa commanded. Bonnie's mouth dropped open and tears welled up in his eyes. "Why? That would break his heart!"
"You're both filthy creatures that don't deserve a place in this world. Do it now or we'll bring out the whip." His grandmother hissed. Fear flashed in Bonnie's eyes as he remembered all the times he couldn't move from his bed because his backside was so painful. "I can't do that to him! I can't! I can't! I can't break him like that!" Bonnie cried. His mother slipped away and returned carrying a bull whip. She struck his back with it as a warning and he screamed in pain. He reached around to the mark, when he pulled his hand away, it was covered in blood. Bonnie bit his tongue to stop himself from whimpering, he knew that all they wanted from him was one scream, any more would cause them to beat him more. Bonnie stood firm, he wouldn't break Foxy's heart because they made him. His father grabbed his hair and pulled, forcing him to his knees. Bonnie squirmed and his breathing quickened. "Will you do it?" his father hissed into his ear. "Never." Bonnie spat. His father yanked on his hair, pulling a chunk of it out; Bonnie cried out once in agony, but bit his tongue afterwards; the feeble attempt at preventing whimpers from escaping him stood strong. His father brutally kicked Bonnie in the face. "How about now?" came the cruel sneer, followed by another brutal kick to the stomach, forcing blood to Bonnie's mouth. He spat out the crimson liquid onto the floor. He twitched and coughed violently then breathed heavily. His parents and grandparents laughed, his mother stepped forward to strike the teenager's back with the bull whip, provoking another scream. "Will you dump him?" she growled. At this point he gave up fighting; the pain was digging up old scars. "F-fine. I'll d-do it." With tears streaming down his face, Bonnie pulled out his phone. "What exactly will I give as a reason?"
"Tell him your parents fixed you, and whatever you had is over." His grandfather instructed. Bonnie stared icily at the much older man who was forcing him to break off his most treasured relationship.

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