I have a plan!

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Fredbear hugged Spring Bonnie, then went to the kitchen "Chica! We need a cheese pizza with 2 cokes!"
"Ok! On it!"
"Thanks!" Chica, being the quick, brilliant chef she is, brought Fredbear the order.
"Here you go!"
"Thanks, wish me luck on this one, I'll need it." Chica winced, knowing exactly what he meant.
"Think of Spring Bonnie, you can do it." Fredbear immediately smiled at the thought of him, he ruffled Chica's hair as he left the kitchen and headed for the dreaded table. "Here you go, a cheese pizza with two cokes, anything else I can get you?"
"That will be all, thank you." Bonnie's father replied, his voice unwavering. Fredbear smiled and took his leave, wanting nothing more than for the spring lock suits to swallow the cold hearted people.
*an unspecified amount of time later*
Freddy locked up for the night, unlocked his car, got inside and drove home. He crawled onto his sofa and fell asleep in seconds. He had a strange dream, more of a nightmare really. He was wandering through the streets, Bonnie walked up to him and they began conversing. But then Bonnie's nose began to bleed, and his jaw snapped. Freddy found himself unable to move as his friend was beaten to death by an invisible force. He woke to find himself sucking in a huge lung full of air, then hyperventilating heavily. "Calm down Freddy. Calm down. Fucking calm down! It was a dream! Its not real!" Freddy muttered to himself frantically, slurring his words slightly; with each breath he calmed slightly, until he was completely calm. "This can't go on..." He grabbed his phone, and called Bonnie.
Bonnie was awoken abruptly by his phone ringing loudly. Foxy groaned awake from beside him. "Mnh... What now?" He answered the phone. "Hello?"
"Freddy? Its 7 am? Not that early then. What is it?"
"Bonnie, I need you and Foxy at my house. Now." Bonnie groaned.

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