I did it...

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He waited. Emotions swirled in his mind, purple hair over his face as he thought of the satisfaction of seeing his god awful parents in prison for their constant abuse. He thought and thought about it. he imagined their faces and how they would break down and their despair. H imagined what would happen to them, how they may be beaten by other inmates, ganged up on and-

"Bonnie?" came a slightly worried voice, and his head snapped up to look a the redhead who had called him; a twisted, sadistic grin on his face.

Foxy.. It was just Foxy.. not those god awful parents and grandparents he so loathed. The twisted grin left Bonnie's lips and a warm smile replaced it.

"Yeah?" he finally replied.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was out of it for a minute there." the purple haired teen got up to hug Foxy lovingly, pushing his face into the crook of his neck. "I love you, you know that, right?"

"I love you too. I hope you don't get hurt too badly doing this.."

"I hope so to. But they're psychos. They'll beat the living shit out of me three times over. But it'll be worth it to see their asses in jail."

"Yeah. They'll get what they deserve." the taller Fox kissed Bonnie's cheek lovingly. "Please be careful."

"I will."

Hours later, Bonnie swallowed his nerves and knocked on the door to his parent's house; equipped with a concealed body camera that picked up the whole room as well as sound. His stone faced mother answered it, and barely hid the smirk that tugged at her lip.

"Bonnie. What brings you back here?" she asked.

"I-I.." he sighed convincingly. "You were right. I couldn't survive without you and Dad." His mother faked a smile and invited him inside.

"You're always welcome here." As soon as the door closed behind him, the icy woman's demeanour changed. She became predatory as her husband and parents in law prowled down the stairs into the room.

"What did we tell you, Bonnie? You'd never survive without us." The lot of them began to taunt him mercilessly, edging ever closer to him, like orcas circling their prey before striking. His mother struck first, kicking at his shin, hard. Then his father joined in, punching his child across the face, breaking his nose with a splatter of blood across the room. Bonnie's grandparents soon joined them; beating Bonnie mercilessly, all the while giving more and more evidence for the court to convict them with.

By the end of it all, Bonnie was bloody and bruised. Once left alone; he stole out of the house and ran to his own, his nose still leaking blood. He called Freddy, and with an excited, slightly twisted tone uttered:

"I did it.."

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