Chapter Two

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Shannon was on her legs, actually up and standing on her own. It was odd. It didn’t hurt too much now that a few minutes had passed- the initial pain had been completely unbearable and if Dr. Fries hadn't strapped the brace onto her leg, she would have ripped it off. Now though… It was odd. Standing, that was.

"How does it work?" she wondered aloud, staring down at her leg in awe.

"The needles are pumping adrenaline, which is stored in a long tube down the back here, into your blood. I was told you were found after you ran a rather long way- I can only guess that was through adrenaline, so it should work," Dr. Fries explained, "Very simple, actually."

"Oh," Shannon mumbled, still looking down at her leg, her skirt lifted a bit so she could see it.  

"Shannon?" Dr. Fries asked as she stepped in a slow circle. She looked over her shoulder at the doctor. He was holding out something for her.

"What's that?" she asked, turning back toward him on nervous legs.

"It's a mask," Dr. Fries informed her, "I thought… if it was you, well…" Shannon reached out and took the mask. It was a pretty one, one that a person might wear to a masked ball. "It was my wife's, when she was still around.. She wore it to a Masquerade, I suppose," Dr. Fries said with a small smile.

"Thank you very much," Shannon responded, "But I'm not sure if-"

"I'll take care of Scarface for you," Dr. Fries assured her, "I don't know how I'll explain why I had it, but hopefully he won't ask and just be grateful I saved you from being taken away from him by police."

"Thank you," Shannon smiled, "And you'll spread the word?"

"Of course I-" There was a knock on the door, cutting their conversation short. Dr. Fries gave Shannon a curt nod, and then called, "Come in. She's ready." The door opened and in came the men and Sugar, Billy leading them. When his eyes caught on her, standing there, they widened.

"She's actually up on her feet, Boss!" Billy exclaimed.

"Did you doubt my work?" Dr. Fries scoffed, making Billy roll his eyes. In came Scarface, who cackled happily.

"Well would ya look at that!" he grinned, "Little Paranoia finally up on her feet! You're a miracle worker, Dr. Fries."

"Not very, sadly," Dr Fries mumbled morbidly, but then shook it off, "Anyway, her leg is fixed, but she should take it slow. No running until she is comfortable and not too much walking, either."

"Alrighty, sounds good," Scarface agreed.

"In addition, I have given her a mask.. She'll need it, she's wanted in a few cities around here. Don't want her to get caught, poor little Jane Doe," Dr. Fries chuckled, patting Shannon's head lightly, "Now, like I said, nothing too strenuous. Take it easy." With that, he was gone. Shannon watched after him until the door was closed, praying he would keep his word.

"A mask, huh?" Scarface huffed, "Well, put it on, let me see ya. Might not be worth it.." Shannon slowly raised the mask by the chin piece up to cover her face completely to her hairline. She watched the men and Sugar around her take in the mask. Scarface examined her and nodded. "Eh, it's not too bad," he approved, "Looks good on you, actually. Gives you a bit of a symbol… 'The Mask of Paranoia,' huh? Maybe when that leg gets good I can have ya do some jobs for me."

"Of course," Shannon said, her voice sounding clearer behind the mask. She felt different, standing on two legs, tall and proud. She was actually rather tall, though not as tall as Jonathan was.

"Now, what were we headed to.." Scarface mumbled, "Ah, right. Billy, you take Paranoia. Take some of the guys to watch her. She'll be dealing with a rough crowd on her own, and I don't want a scratch on her. That's my best girl, there."


The ride was a long one- tedious. Shannon sat in the front of the black van next to Billy, who drove. There were three other guys in the back of the van, talking about the reappearance of the Batman.

"Looking for Crane, most likely," one of them said, making Shannon's body stiffen. They knew her husband- did that mean they knew of her?

"I think he's on the move," another said, "I heard he's after that Zsasz guy, the one we nearly ran into on the way here."

"What idiot did ya hear that from?" the final man questioned with a snort, "What idiot would go after that man?"

"Everyone in Gotham knows that’s where he went," Billy snorted, "Zsasz got out and his wife went insane. Threw herself right off this bridge we are crossing- she was the police chief's daughter. The criminal community was all rioting. Some had wanted that girl dead for years- hurt the police, ya know? But others apparently like her, she was a doctor up in Arkham and she was apparently quite the doctor."

"How'd ya know all that?" the one who had last spoken asked. Billy chuckled and cut a glance to Shannon, who was still stiff.

"Ya hear things if ya listen," Billy responded. He smirked at Shannon, and she knew that he had already recognized her. "After all, I'm from Gotham," Billy went on, "Not originally, but I was in high school with the two of them- Crane and the police chief's daughter." Shannon looked directly out the window, not daring to look at Billy.

"What about you, pretty thing?" the one who had first spoken questioned, "You heard anything? We've been out of Gotham area for years, but you've been around if you're wanted here."

"Course I know about her," Shannon mumbled. Inside of her she felt something, some sort of emotion rising. The kind that had before made her kill. She felt a little sick, and anxious. Something was building inside her and it was nothing good.

"Well what do you know?" the man asked, "I heard she was a plain broad, nothing special. But then, that Crane was crazy." Her husband's name- her name- was what made some emotional cord snap inside her. Shannon took a step back in her mind and something new came forward, something cruel and confident.

"I know she was a good woman," this new thing snapped, "I know she was a good doctor. I enjoyed her company until they transferred me to that little home for  'the mentally unstable.' I'm perfectly stable, just a bit insane. The Crane man was at that Arkham place, too. He always took good care of his wife. I'd be surprised if he wasn't after Zsasz." Billy glanced over at her and his brows were furrowed. "What?" she spat.

"Are you alright, Paranoia? You seem off," Billy mentioned. She smiled- Paranoia smiled a smile that would put a cheshire cat to shame.

"Of course I'm okay," Paranoia purred with a laugh, "Why wouldn't I be? I'm finally free and I can take care of us." That was why she was there. Jonathan was gone and someone had to take care of Shannon, someone Shannon could trust. Sadly, that was only herself. Paranoia had emerged before to help, but never like this. She had the control now.

"Us?" Billy asked.

"I meant myself," Paranoia waved it off, still smirking. Billy watched her a moment more and then looked back to the road.

"Alright. If you say so.."


 A/N: I know it isn't much and I know it's been a while, but NaNoWriMo is over and I am back! I'm going to update at least once a week- this goes for all of my stories. Also, if you are a Doctor Who fan, I've got a new fan fiction up just for you, so check it out. Essence of a Time Lord! 

Jonathan- What are you talking about?!

Me- Shush, I am advertising! Now everyone, make sure you vote and comment!

Edward- Jonathan, seriously, she is going completely mad! Can we please let her go?

Jonathan- No! If we do she will just keep coming back and I prefer her where I can watch her!

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