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A lone figure paused in her tracks, her head swinging from side to side as she sniffed the air for pursuers. The night was cold and moonless, but the figure was unaffected by the cold. She never was ever since she first Shifted.

Flying on silent wings, she entered a cave that was accessible only to her kind, returning to her true form at the sight of the precious bundle on the furs.

A child. Her child.

The two-year-old smiled, her dimples flashing as she went to hug her mother. Instinctively, she clutched her baby to her chest, then started to wrap her up in linens as her big brother strode forward.

He was a dark-haired boy, with serious gray eyes and a scar that ran diagonally on his face from a scuffle with the other children. Like his father, he was protective of the women in his family. The mother transferred the bundle to him, kissing his forehead before shooing him away from the cave.

The young boy spread his wings, gliding as silently as he was taught. Soon he was too far to hear the growls and tearing, and to see the orange glow of the fire when he looked back.

He flew off, believing that his family would soon be reunited, as the last of his kin died in the night.

Requiem of the Fallen: Dragon ChildWhere stories live. Discover now