Marthlington 1.2

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The song for this is "Between the Raindrops" by Lifehouse. There's a place to start listening. I have been so addicted to this song for the last few weeks. XD It's just...perfect.

Sorry this came out a bit longer than expected, but there really wasn't a good place to split it. This makes up for the first part, right? :3

I'd also like to say, I do not approve of excessive drinking. Alcohol is a depressant and tends to make negative emotions worse, not better. Just felt I needed to reiterate that before we started...

*Waglington's POV*

It was another week before Martha tried to contact me. She was startled to discover that I'd made Fyre HQ impenetrable to teleportation magic (a one-way door letting people inside out, but not letting anyone outside in) and nearly impenetrable to mental magic. Anyone less than a god would have gotten their mind scrambled trying to break through the traps I'd laid both at my tower and Martha's cottage; even a god would get quite the headache if I'd calculated correctly. In my darker moods, I wondered how many wizards wound up in the medical ward at Laenadur before they figured out what happened. Nothing permanently damaging, of course, just extremely unpleasant. That should teach them to respect others' privacy. The only reason Martha could get through to me unharmed was because of our existing link.

What she found on the other side of that link was a very tired, depressed, and regrettably drunk wizard. Memento insisted she come over at once. She was on the front steps in minutes, teleporting as close as she could and walking the rest of the way. Memento let her into the tower and led her to where I sat, wallowing in my misery. After setting up basic defenses, I tried to teleport to Laenadur to look up alarm spells in the Library of the Eternal and had found myself blocked from entering the city I helped build. I could have gotten through if I really wanted to; I'd laid most of the protection spells myself. But I didn't. Up until that point I had believed they might accept me. Now I knew I was alone, exiled. I wondered if the decision had been unanimous or if someone had done it on the sly.

Since I had my full powers back, I could only get really drunk when I'd exhausted my magic. I'd reached that point yesterday, laying increasingly malicious traps on top of the benign protection spells I'd started with. Any time the alcohol started to lose effect, I laid spells until it worked again. They wanted an enemy? Fine! They had themselves an enemy, and boy would they be in trouble if that enemy ever left the near infinite supply of bottles in the tower's kitchen.

"Waggles?" Martha asked tentatively, approaching me where I sat at one of the tables, my head resting on the tabletop and eyes closed. I didn't acknowledge her. She sat in the chair next to me and rested a hand on my shoulder to see if I was awake. I sighed at her touch, reminded of one more thing I couldn't have. I reached for a half drained bottle near me to get rid of the sudden empty feeling in my chest, but Martha knocked it out of reach, heedless of the amber liquid spreading across the table and dripping to the floor. She wanted to talk to me, but she was angry with me for doing this to myself. "Waglington, what happened? Why this?" She asked in a more authoritative tone.

Somewhere in the back of my muddled mind I found that tone very attractive. I didn't want this angel mad at me. "I hate wizards," I said quietly, as if that would explain everything. Painfully slowly Martha extracted the full story from me, with some clarification by Memento. Martha wouldn't let him tell the whole story though; she wanted to hear it from me.

When I told her about the other wizards spying on her, her sympathetic expression vanished for a moment, replaced by startled apprehension. That made me feel worse. I'd done a bang up job of being a champion, hadn't I? I'd somehow succeeded in making my goddess look weak and threatening at the same time.

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