Moving On (sorta Sparksize) 1.1

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There's not really any Sparksize in this first post, but there will be in the following part(s). Y'all know how I am about writing long things. XD Same universe as TL&F; this takes place after they returned to the Realm of Mianite.

*? POV*

A certain unease hung in the air as I set out with my basket to pick mushrooms and herbs that made me think this day would be anything but routine. To all appearances, it was just another in a long line of quiet mornings. Some would even consider this place dull. The weather here never changed, nor did the black, starless sky. Somehow there was a distinct day and night cycle, though the days neither grew longer nor shorter in season. Indeed the seasons themselves depended on the goddess's mood and power. Not so long ago, this forest had been sealed in perpetual autumn by Ianite's capture and waning. As her powers returned, so had the life of this place, bringing it into a vibrant spring. Evidence of damage and decay remained in patches and corners, but even this served to fuel new life, like the mushrooms I was after.

I smiled to myself at the optimistic thought as I listened to a gentle breeze brush through the translucent, green leaves above me. I walked a familiar path between the base of an emerald hill and the edge of the forest. I reached a branch off this path that led into the trees and paused to pick some early valerian in the partial shade. Tucking the pale flower into my basket, I took the narrow, nearly overgrown forest path.

I was not terribly surprised when I found someone in the forest before me. When unease hung over Aethoria, it could only mean Ianite was troubled. Since her return, I'd often found her walking her lands when such a mood took her. Today her wandering crossed mine, and I was not one to believe in chance.

Ianite stood beside a stream a short distance from the path, oblivious to my presence. She was intent on the running water as if the pattern of riffles held an answer she desired. "Good morning, Lady Ianite," I greeted with a voice scratchy from disuse. There weren't many people in Aethoria to start with, and no one had ventured near my home in over a year. Ianite smiled at me and beckoned me over. "What chases you so far from your temple?" I asked as I stepped off the path to sit on a boulder next to her and rest my old feet.

I set my basket down and rubbed at a corn on left foot that had been bothering me. Ianite noticed. "Are you sure you won't take my offer of a room at the temple? It's the least I can do after all your help."

I shook my head and replied, "No, your temple is no place for a non-follower. You granting me sanctuary is enough." I had been banished during the early years of the war for healing a few mortals who had been grievously wounded. Their being bystanders didn't matter to my panicked coven and our wizard allies. Those generals told me they'd count me an enemy if they ever saw me again. I was furious and just stopped myself shy of cursing them. I'd wandered the Realm until stumbling upon a way to Aethoria. I presumptuously made myself a home here. When Ianite began to regain some of her strength, she sensed me here and contacted me. I was able to help her communicate with her new champion in exchange for continued refuge. I had once been bitter about my exile. Now this place was my home, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I grinned at Ianite and continued, "Besides, you know what they say. If I stop moving around so much, my body might realize just how old it is. Then I wouldn't be able to move at all."

A hint of humor touched her eyes at my comment, but the unease remained. So I asked again, "Now what troubles the goddess of balance in her own home? Hm? Perhaps our meeting today has a purpose beyond friendly talk."

Ianite considered this for a moment before sighing and looking back to the water. "I am concerned for my...follower. Do you remember Sparklez?"

That had been the name of the lad she wanted to talk to over a decade ago. "Aye, I remember your champion. Is he no longer?" She had just called him a follower. Ianite didn't seem so fickle as to change a champion after such a short time. Unless he'd done something terrible. What could have happened?

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