Forgotten Truth

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Kidnapped By Aliens

Mr. Ilyumzhinov from Kalmykia claims he was kidnapped by outsiders wearing yellow spacesuits on the night of September 17, 1997.

Aliens To Bring Tourist

In a push to draw in more tourism and additionally extra terrestrials, the town of St Paul, Alberta made the world's first UFO landing site. The UFO landing site is a raised stage with a guide of Canada embellished in the landing board. Under the stage lie the stones - every stone is taken from a specific Canadian area.


Three Days into the Apollo 11 Mission, the team reported an interesting flying question not far away from their location. They accepted it was a bit of the disengaged SIV-B rocket. That is, until they realized, that it was more than 6,000 miles away. The group of NASA still can't clarify what sort of article it was.

Napoleon's encounter with "THE BEINGS"

Scientist were stunned when they discovered a little, half-crawl long outside article implanted inside of the skeletal stays of once French ruler, Napoleon Bonaparte. This appears to run as an inseparable unit with Bonaparte's own account of snatching when he vanished for a few days in July 1794, asserting he had been held detainee without wanting to by an interesting gathering of men.

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