Chapter 5

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They stayed for Phillip a little while longer, and somehow Rose coaxed his background out of him, seeing that he had managed to remember some after he had been dropped off by the aliens had held him captive. The Doctor could tell that Rose was really just being kind, as they stayed much longer than the Doctor would've liked. He kept calculating the time in his head to make sure he would get Rose back to the TARDIS in time, before nightfall, at least.

Whether he wanted to admit it or not, there was something lurking about in the woods and he didn't want Rose to be around when it was out. He'd like her to live through this trip, thank you very much. He shifted awkwardly in his seat as Rose continued to chat with Phillip, leaning back and forward in his seat, crossing his legs and then uncrossing him.

Rose narrowed her eyes at him. "Are you alright?"

"Quite!" He said, trying desperately to sound happy, and smiling at her.

Rose rolled her eyes. "We'd best get going, Phillip. Before dark."

Phillip's eyes widened and he nodded emphatically, his fringe flopping over his forehead. "Yes, you must leave before dark. Go, go. Visit again."

Rose nodded. "Of course," she said, and got to her feet. "We'll see you soon."

"Okay," he agreed. "Thank you for coming. And not calling me crazy... And being willing to help.

The Doctor reached forward to shake his hand, which made the other man look very confused. Rose realized with a pang to her chest that he had most likely not been treated like a real man in a long time. Not being given handshakes was a simple but important thing, she realized.

When they left, the Doctor's hand was almost immediately around hers again. He gave her fingers a gentle squeeze. "Are you alright?" He asked, sensing that she was deep in thought.

She nodded and looked at him. "They know aliens exist. So why are they so closed minded- calling him crazy? How could they do that?"

The Doctor sighed and squeezed her hand. "Perhaps it was the way he came back, stumbling out of a forest or something and rambling about a woman he'd been in there with. Maybe she's from the other end of the world so no one thinks she exists."

Rose frowned. "It's so sad," she whispered, "That she killed herself, thought there was no way out."

He rubbed his thumb over hers reassuringly. "Well, you're a young Earth girl, just as she was. What would you have done?" He was genuinely curious, and hoping that her answer could help him crack the case.

"I assume you would be with me," she said, "I really think you would be," she bit her lip, thinking about it for a moment. "I would never stop looking for a way out. I'd be with you, or at any rate I would be thinking that perhaps I could get back to you, if you weren't there. I'd think about my mum, and whoever I was with. For me.... I don't know, there's always something to fight for." Her shoulders sagged. "I wish I could've helped her."

The Doctor felt his heart swell with adoration for her. She just wanted to help, that was what she did, Rose Tyler protected people, just as he did. She protected him too. He looked down at her crestfallen expression and bumped her shoulder playfully with his as they entered the lift to go back down.

"Rose, there was nothing you could've done to change her mind. The brain is delicate and can be pressured by human suggestion, but not all the time."

She nodded, pursing her lips. "I guess you're right. I just wish it wasn't that way."

He had to admit that somewhere within himself, he agreed.

They traveled back to where they had parked the TARDIS, only to be intercepted by Gren.

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