Chapter 2

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It wasn't long before the Chinese arrived and they were sitting on the couch together with Castle's head on my lap, looking up at me as he ate. I would occasionally look down at him and roll my eyes at him for staring, and then smile around my chopsticks. I could feel him staring at me again so I looked down only to see a small smile creep into the corners of his mouth as he swallowed.

"Kiss me." He whispered. I finished chewing my noodles, swallowed and leant down to place a kiss on his lips only for his hand to snake around and hold my head down and continued to caress my lips with his.

I felt him pull away slowly and I placed a light kiss on his lips before I sat back up and continued eating, trying to hide my smile behind my food.

"It's kinda funny lying on someone when I am so used to having Alexis lying on me."

I had to hold my tongue on the comment that was dying to come out of my mouth and simply settle for smiling at him and continuing to absentmindedly run my fingers through his hair. When I finished off the last of my food, I looked down at my lap only to see him fast asleep with his mouth hanging wide open. I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped at his childlike tendencies and gently shook him awake.

"Huh, what?" He looked around the room, startled for a moment before his eyes came to rest on me and he relaxed back down on my lap.

"Come on, sleeping beauty. It's time for bed." I told him as I pushed him off my lap and then, standing up myself, helped to pull him up off the couch. With him half asleep, he came inevitably crashing into me and almost knocked us both into the coffee table.

"Sorry." He mumbled meekly. I smiled and shook my head and pulled his strong arm over my shoulders and helped walk him up the stairs and into his bedroom. He plonked down onto the soft sheets and tried to pull me down with him.

"Please?" He asked softly. I let out a tired sigh and after slipping off my shoes and jacket, I climbed in next to him only to feel a pair of arms wrap around my middle and pull me into his solid chest.

He was spooning me!

And I didn't mind.

What was wrong with me?

I never let Josh do this. I hated it when he spooned me. Clothed or unclothed. He always seemed to get over zealous and his breathing was too quick on the back of my neck to the point where it made me downright uncomfortable.

But with Castle, it just seemed natural.



I pulled his arms tighter around me and moved further back into his warmth. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck.

Calm and even.

"Kate?" He whispered into my hair.

"Yeah?" I asked, unsure of whether or not this situation was going to become uncomfortable now.

"Thank you. This means to much to me that you're here."

"You'd do the same for me. Even if I didn't ask you to." I smiled at the small rib, feeling satisfied when I felt him chuckle against me.

"In a heartbeat." He whispered. I felt him place a delicate kiss on the side of my neck. "Goodnight, Kate."

"Goodnight, Castle." I whispered, as I silently tried to gather myself and get by breathing back to somewhat normal.

The next morning, I awoke to find myself lying on a solid chest with a pair of firm arms wrapped around me, holding me into him. At first, I relaxed and closed my eyes to go back to sleep, thinking it was just Josh, but then I reopened them as I realised exactly who I was with.

"Oh, god!" I whispered. "What the hell was I thinking?" I had to get out of here and back to Josh. Back to some sense of safety.

So without a second thought, I got up out of the bed, pulled my shoes back on and grabbed my coat. I treaded as quietly as I could to the door before I was overwhelmed by a wave of guilt. I stopped dead in my tracks and sighed as I stood in the doorway, torn between going back and curling up next to him and swallowing it and leaving without so much as a word.

Against my better judgment, I turned around just as quietly and walked back over to his side of the bed and leant down to kiss his lips. I pulled away and gently rested my forehead against his.

"I'm sorry." I whispered as I turned and walked out the door. I walked down the stairs and continued till I was at his front door. My hand stilled as it circled around the handle. I knew that he would wake up a few hours later and look around for me before he would realize I was gone. But it was part of his deal. Stay with him for the night and I could go back home to Josh in the morning. I took a shaky breath in an attempt to steady myself.

"I'm so sorry, Castle." I whispered as I opened the door and walked as quickly as I could out of his apartment.

Comfort Kiss (Caskett Fanfiction) - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now