Chapter 13

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The terrifying clack of metal on metal reverberating off the walls echoed through the room, startling me into consciousness. I watched as Josh paced back and forth in front of me, tapping two scalpels together behind his back, the whole scene and set up almost like something out of 'The Bone Collector'.

"J-Josh?" I questioned, attempting to stand up only to realise my hands were bound above my head. "What are you doing? Why am I tied up?" Through my fogged brain, the cogs started to turn. "Wait... How did you even get into my apartment? I took back your key."

"That was all too easy." He smirked. "All I had to do was ask the building manager for a spare, since I lost mine and wanted to surprise you."

"So you thought kidnapping me and taking me wherever we are was a good idea?"

"Well how else am I supposed to talk to you alone?" He mocked, crouching in front of me, smiling evilly. "We need privacy for our activities." He smiled menacingly as he ran a scalpel's blunt edge slowly down my cheek to my jaw, my lip quivering in fear.

Not far outside, the team was getting ready to move. Castle was standing at the ready between Esposito in front and Ryan behind him. Espo gave the hand signal to hold position while they had their backs up against the building wall. Espo then turned to Castle and looked at him sternly, "Once we get in there, we have only a matter of seconds to do a sweep. Stay close and don't do anything stupid. Try to be quiet as you can so that he doesn't know we're comin' for him." Castle nodded mutely in response and Esposito gave the order to continue into the warehouse.

The tension in the air was palpable as the sound of their heavy packs bouncing and shaking as they began the primary sweep of the area. Castle followed close behind Esposito, his gun pointed at the floor as he assisted in the sweep.

"Clear." Came a soft voice through Castle's ear piece. "Clear... Clear... Clear"

"The preliminary sweep is clear sir. Team Bravo will continue to check the east side of the building while team Alpha will check the west side." The tactical leader informed them.

"My team and I will continue to check the north side of the building and will radio in if we need you." Esposito informed them over the radio. "Alright," He turned to Ryan and Castle, "Let's go find her."

Following behind Esposito, Castle and Ryan rounded the corner and proceeded to check the following room.

Not far from the boys, I had to endure my clothes slowly being sliced at with Josh's scalpel, leaving shallow and superficial cuts in places and torn clothing in others. By now my cries had been muffled when Josh had angrily stuffed a rag into my mouth and duck taped it mouth closed, holding the flat edge of the scalpel to my cheek to ensure I was obedient.

By now, tears were streaming down my cheeks, my eyes were puffy and red and I had long since given up trying to scream, let alone struggle.

Now closer than ever, Castle and the boys were just in the other room, having just finished the sweep of the room they were in, Esposito made his way to the wall next to the door that lead into the next room. Esposito made a sign to be quite and listened for anything going on in the other room.

Josh slowly ran the flat edge of the blade down my stomach and continued to tease me along my pants hem.

"I bet you like it you nasty girl. I bet this turns you on, doesn't it. Does it excite you?" Josh grinned menacingly. His grin grew wider as he slowly put the scalpel down on the ground next to my thigh. He then put his hands on my hips, slowly ran his hands up to the hem of my pants and to the centre of my pants and teased the button.

"Alright guys, Josh is on the other side of this wall, we need to assume that he is armed and dangerous." Esposito whispered. "We need to assume that he will hurt Kate if we make a move." Castle and Ryan both nodded in agreement. Esposito radioed in, informing the others of where they were and that they had found their man. Esposito then turned to Castle and looked him right in the eye. "Don't worry man, we're gonna get your girl." Castle nodded his head and flicked the safety off his gun. Esposito made his way into the room and beelined right towards Josh. "Put your hands where I can see em!" He yelled.

"And what makes you think I will just surrender." He asked, sneaking his hand down beside my leg again and took a hold of the scalpel. Lifting it up, he put the scalpel over my thigh.

"Put down the guns or I will sever her main artery!" At that, my eyes widened in fear, my gaze turned to Castle, and my eyes started to tear up, slowly beading down my cheeks. Castle raised his gun and pointed it to Josh and my eyes widened as I realised what he intended to do. My eyes flicked from Castle to Josh and back to Castle. I gave him a slight nod, which he returned.

"Drop the blade Josh." Castle told him.

"Put the gun down or I swear I will kill her." Josh threatened, holding the knife closer to my leg, pushing down slightly, making a thin stream of blood run down my leg. Castle looked back at me, fear and uncertainty in his eyes. My eyes slipped closed in a mixture of pain and despair, my tears running freely down my cheeks.

"This is your last chance Josh!" Castle said firm but the gun was starting to shake. Josh smirked menacingly, tightening his grip around the threateningly sharp blade, holding it firmer against her skin, the blood flow running thicker down my leg.

"Say goodbye to your wussy playboy Kate." He whispered in my ear, his warm breath around the shell of my ear, his lips lightly touching the sensitive skin, making me shiver. More tears slipped past my eyes as I closed my eyes, my body trembling from all the overwhelming feelings. I could hear Castle's heavy breathing as he struggled to control himself. When I opened my eyes, I could see Castle gritting his teeth as he watched Josh touching me, trying to steady his hands, shifting his hand grip in attempts to stop the gun from shaking as he seethed with anger. I could feel Josh tensing his arm as he prepared to make this final, lethal cut. Preparing for what felt like the inevitable, I gave Castle one last look, trying to convey all my feeling into one look before I closed my eyes and prepared for the end.

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