Chapter 12 "Hello Taurtis good bye Sam"

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Sams pov:

I gasped, widening my eyes as I blinked, making sure I wasn't hallucinating again, I could feel my cheeks get damp as tears slowly formed underneath my eyes, I ran towards my friends who stood in the door way, knocking over my British friend, as well as tackling the one in front of me.
I hugged them tightly, not wanting to let go.
After a moment I sighed as I realized I had to let go, I let go and helped my Special Friend up, I wiped the tears from my eyes as I turned to look at Grian, who smiled brightly at the sight of our friend.
"should we be going?" They asked in a dull voice, I smiled ruffling there raven hair, they didn't seem to notice.
"Ya let's go Taurtis!" Grian said smiling cheerfully, J came running down the stairs toast in his mouth.
"J u can't bump into Grian if he's walking beside you!" I exclaimed, Grian covered his face with his hands and J just looked confused.
j bit into his toast, as he noticed Taurtis, "OK am I going crazy now?" He asked me as I shook my head smiling like crazy, Taurtis didn't seem to be paying attention, he just stared off into the nothingness of J's wall.
We all walked out the door and to school, I looked over at Taurtis, he didn't seem to happy, he didn't seem to Anything really.
I sighed shaking my head, probably over thinking it.
"hey Taurtis where have you been?" Grian asked him, Taurtis stared blankly ahead as he responded, "its a secret." He said in a monotone voice, Grian gave him a puzzled look and continued walking.
As we approach the shop J And Grian ran inside, I laughed at there actions.
"So.." I begain trying to spark a conversation, Taurtis didn't moved he just stared ahead, his eyes looked glossy, like as if he was be going to cry but no tears were forming.
Taurtis looked at me, "What?" He asked, I realized I had been staring at him, I blushed as i looked away, "Nothing" I said, trying to be calm.
He didn't respond, something felt wrong but I couldn't put my finger on it.
j And Grian came running out, they got some food and drinks for us and we headed off to school, people were staring, and i gave them questioning looks but they didn't answer.
"Hey is that Taurtis?" Asked a confused Sookie, I smiled nodding, she smiled back and continued onto wards the school.
We entered the school building and Taurtis stopped at his locker, he opened it to find a folded piece of pink paper, I watched as he unfolded the paper and begain to read, he maintained his monotone expression, and folded the paper and stuck it in his pocket, I watched him cautiously as he didn't seem to be feeling anything I hope he is ok.
J and grian walked up the stairs together, i snickered quietly, as they dissapeared out of sight, I sighed as I watched Taurtis finish in his locker, once he did he closed his locker and begain up the stairs, I notices that Taurtis's eyes were a dully grey, something was wrong, is this really Taurtis?
when we entered the classroom, Mrs.Okami let off a firework, as Taurtis's stepped back from shock, I watched as his eye flashed a hint of the black they usually are, Everybody gave him a questioning look, but shook it off, once we. Entered the classroom the hole class gawked, at the sight that Taurtis was here, not to mention  Alive! I smiled as we walked towards our seats, I noticed Xelas smiling devilishly, at taurtis,  and he didn't seem to mind, he sat down and the class begain.
I was looking out the window when I heard a Bang on the desk beside me, I turned to see Taurtis face first into his desk, running his hands in his hair, Xelas. Was smiling even wider at this point.
I rested my hand on taurtis's shoulder, "Taurtis are you OK?" I asked him, "yes" he replied bluntly, I let go of him and begain listening to the class, for once.
The bell rang, and the class stood up and they all be gain to exit the room, Taurtis stood up, Xelas Gave him a Mischievous Grin, and Taurtis didn't seem to mind, he continued out of the class room, and I followed close behind, we headed down the stairs and when we descended the stairs, Taurtis turned and looked at me, I felt somebody behind me and I knew that it was Xelas, I was too caught up with Taurtis I forgot I was gonna be kidnapped.
Taurtis Grabbed my hand, and we ran threw the hall way into a empty unused class room, my heart was beating quickly as I heard Xelas in the hall.
"T-Taurtis I'm scared." I mumbled quietly, I turned to see Taurtis's blank face, my eyes widened in shock as I saw the grin that was splattered across that face, I felt breathing behind me, "Taurtis?" I asked my best friend who just stood there smiling, I felt somebody's arms wrap around me, I started to struggle, but it was to no avail, I heard Xelas laughing behind me, "Oh Poor bunny Boy... are you scared? You don't wanna die?" She said as tears formed underneath my eyes.
"Well to bad.." she whispered sinisterly in my left ear, I shivered as her warm breath touched my ear, she laughed again, as she placed a damp cloth to my nose, I struggled to get free but it wasn't working, I breathed in the toxic as my eye lids became heavy I tried to stay awake but it didn't work, I let go and finally closed my eyes.

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