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"Thank God you're alright."

Kuroo. He was alright. He was glad. Maybe Kuroo got stronger. Strong enough that he was able to beat that thug.

"Are you hurt?" Kenma asked him looking into his eyes.

"Yeah, don't worry about me. Let's go back to my house, okay?" Kuroo smiled.

Kenma only nodded his head. He was safe when Kuroo was around.


They were back home. Kenma was distracted by playing his console game and in the meantime Kuroo told his mother what happened.

"My god, how many times have you saved his life already?" His mother grinned.

"He's my best friend, I gotta keep saving him again and again."

"You keep telling yourself that and he'll end up marrying that whore he's dating."

"Mom! You can't just say that!" Kuroo whisper-shouted at her.

"I can cause I got proof. I was heading to work at 9 it was dark, most students like you, my dear Kuroo, are at home studying but that's when I saw the "whore". Dressed like a prostitute, with some guys tagging with her like they were her little puppies. I think that's enough to know that you should be dating Kenma."

"OK mom she might dress like a slut but you don't have the right to call her that. Anyway, its true I don't approve Kenma dating her but its his life, his relationships, his decisions and I told you, I'm not gay!"

"Wow, that is something a gay person would say." His mom sipped her tea.

Kuroo just sighed and walked out of the kitchen to where Kenma was at.

"Hey you feeling any better?" Kuroo asked leaning against the frame of the door.

Kenma was too focused on the game but he replied with a "yeah."

Kuroo went to sit down beside him, watching over his shoulders how he played.

Kenma stopped moving his fingers on the console and shut it down.

"Thank you," he muttered silently. Almost like a whisper.

Kuroo didn't know how to respond. Kenma never put him before his console.

"I feel like a terrible friend. I never thank you for anything, and you've helped me through so much. You've been a great friend for all these years, you helped me and you're there every time I need you. I want to do something for you. For everything I couldn't do but you did."

This was possibly the longest thing Kenma ever said to Kuroo. Actually to anybody.

Kuroo understood that when that dick was so close to hurting Kenma, he got scared for his life. And it hit him so hard that he got himself wondering,"What if Kuroo was never here?"

"It's okay Kenma. You will always come first to me. You're my best friend and I'll be there for you whenever you need me. And if I need you, you're here too, even if you're off 90% of the time." Kuroo looked at Kenma and reassured him.

"Wow, that is something a gay person would say."

His mother's voice replayed in his head. It did sound gay though.

His mom wasn't wrong. He was possibly gay but Kuroo just didn't know it.


It was around 3 o'clock. Kuroo's mom was gone to work. Kenma was feeling much better now and continued his gaming on his console, and Kuroo decided on making some food. But to his surprise, there was no food in the fridge.

"I'm off to the supermarket, Kenma, need anything?" Kuroo asked putting on his jacket and shoes on.

"Wait..." Kenma said getting up, entering the hallway," Let me come with you."

Kuroo didn't know if he should be happy that Kenma got off his lazy ass or worried. But he let him come anyway.

He waited until Kenma was done putting on Kuroo's jacket and shoes. Surprisingly they fit well on Kenma.

"So, what do we need?" Kenma asked.

"Um...stuff?" Kuroo was clueless.

"You really didn't make a shopping list?" Kenma eyed him.

"I can remember what wasn't in the fridge." Kuroo said folding his arms.

"Is that all you can remember?" Kenma nudged him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kuroo asked him suspiciously.

"Nothing just get a move on Tetsurou."

"Says the guy that always plays his dumb console." Kuroo muttered.

"What was that?" Kenma squinted his eyes at him.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." Kuroo smiled like an innocent child.

If only he knew.


They got to the supermarket. And they took really random things that both of the boys thought as delicious.

They were halfway done through shopping until they heard a too familiar voice.

"Kenma?!!" It was Akari.

Kuroo rolled his eyes and he swore he heard Kenma mutter,"Give me a God damn break, lady."

He just wasn't sure if he actually said it or it was his imagination but his mouth did move so he must have.

"Kenma, I have called you so many times today. Can't you at least answer your phone?" Akari said. She was really fed up.

"Sorry honey, I was busy. Maybe I will next time. Now I--" Kenma said but was interrupted by her again.

"That is no excuse Kenma baby, you promised a date. We're going on a date. And its time you met my parents too. I bet my parents would really adore you." Her eyes twinkled like stars as she said that but Kenma was too lazy to meet her parents. And besides he thought of it as weird.

Shouldn't you be meeting other peoples parents when you're about to get married?

Kuroo wanted to stand up for Kenma and tell her that he was tired and he's been through so much but he could just take over Kenma's life. Kenma had to deal with it himself.

"Can't we postpone it?" Kenma yawned. He was really tired.

"You've been postponing a lot of things lately. I'm starting to wonder if you're cheating on me?" There go her accuses of Kenma cheating.

Kenma doesn't have time for girls lately. He's been busy with volleyball and Kuroo to do stuff like that.

Out of coincidence, Kuroo and Kenma happened to mutter the same thing," so what?"

Which made them both look at each other and laugh.

Kuroo was fed up with Akari and Kenma was too tired to even think.

"Kenma this isn't funny!" Akari raised her voice. Not loud enough to become a shout.

"Sorry, I got a date with Kuroo's bed instead. I'm sure we can postpone." Kenma said leaving with Kuroo but that comment caused Kuroo to snort.

But deep inside Kuroo wished it was a date with him and not his bed....

Keep dreaming boy! Keep dreaming!

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