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Kenma was no longer there...

Akari's lips had left Kuroo's as she applied a new layer of her lip gloss.

Kuroo was flaming with anger. Now he had to explain this situation to Kenma.

"WHAT do you think you're doing?!" Kuroo growled at her.

She had a smirk on her face.

"Me? But baby--"

"Quit the bull crap, what do you want? Leave Kenma and me alone!" Kuroo's blood boiled. It felt like it was boiling like the kettle.

"But I can't. Kenma has hurt MY feelings, so I'm just returning the favor." Akari grinned checking out her lips in her mini mirror.

"You don't have feelings. Stupid bitch." Kuroo didn't even plan to mutter this. He wanted her to hear it.

"Excuse me?!" She exclaimed.

Kuroo didn't want to deal with her anymore. He walked to his class.

He hoped he could find a way to explain the kiss Akari gave him.

But at least Kuroo's question was answered.

They were both over.


Lunch came quicker than expected. 

Kenma trudged to his locker. He couldn't get the image out of his head.

He wasn't hurt that Akari kissed Kuroo.

He could care less who she went around kissing. But he was hurt by Kuroo.

He was hurt by seeing Kuroo kiss someone else. A girl.

Why? Well, he was figuring it out.

He reached his locker and there was Kuroo, he was nervously waiting for him.

Kenma looked him in the eyes. He knew, to Kuroo that kiss meant nothing.

But to Kenma, a nerve has struck. Its as if he was getting possessive over Kuroo.

He was confused. Even troubled.

Kuroo was going to say something but Kenma only pulled Kuroo by the arm and he followed close behind.

They were at the gym. No one ever hangs around there at lunch.

"Look, Kenma--" Kuroo started to explain buy Kenma cut him off.

"I don't care Kuroo. I don't care what she's trying to prove, I really don't care who she kisses in front of my face. I really don't..." Kenma said not looking Kuroo in the eyes.

It would hurt Kenma to look Kuroo in the eyes. It'd make him remember what he saw this morning.

"Well that's great cause I think I need like a disinfectant to get rid of the taste of her lips. She can't even kiss properly, I don't know how you did it but she uses her tongue way too much." Kuroo chuckled and moved closer to Kenma.

He grabbed his chin and made him look at him in the eyes.

Kenma stared at his eyes for a bit too long. So did Kuroo.

Kenma wanted to kiss him.

Kuroo wanted to kiss him.

But both of them held back. Something made them hold back.

After a while of staring at each other Kenma let out a laugh.

"You're acting gay again." He chuckled.

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