The Chaos Myth

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"Wowsers. Fucking. Worth it."

"Language, Max! Honestly, why did we even have a swear jar?"

"Uhuh," she murmured, but Chloe wasn't sure she heard her. She couldn't blame her.

Kate looked beautiful. To believe that such a wholesome, kind soul could turn anyone sinful at a glance... Chloe shook her head. "She looks good."

"Yuh-huh," her wife nodded in agreement, before she hooked her arm around her shoulders. "You know you're my Butterfly. But forgive me. This sight, I'm cherishing for the rest of my life."

Once again, Chloe couldn't blame her. "I didn't even know she owned a little black dress."

"Would you believe that she asked me to buy it for her in Paris?" Victoria stood beside them, arms crossed as she smiled at her girlfriend across the yard. "She wanted to buy one for me, but I said only if I could get her one. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I bought a blue one right before our trip."

Fuck, Chloe thought. Now she was picturing Victoria in it. "I wonder which one of you are gonna end up tearing it first trying to get it off."

"It'll probably end in a tie," Max sighed. "Chloe, we're going shopping."


"It doesn't look too... trashy, does it?" Kate wondered genuinely, approaching them from the steps outside their dorm.

"You're beautiful," Victoria said sincerely, and the timid girl beamed at the news, and twirled in her heels for her partner.

"You think you know a girl when you've seen her in her Sunday Best," Chloe clapped. "Turns out Saturday Night is the best time to check her out."

"Which reminds me," Victoria noted clinically, "Let's try not to go too hardcore out there, girls. Kate and I have service to attend tomorrow."

Kate blinked at the news. "R-really?"

Under the moonlight, her natural blush shone even through the makeup. "Let's not make a big deal out of this, babe. You knew I was going to come with you eventually."

Kate snapped her arms around her girlfriend, and almost ruined said makeup with her kisses. "Oh, thankyouthankyouthankyouIloveyousomuchthankyou..."

"Exact opposite of making a big deal out of it," Victoria tried to get out, a huge smile on her face. "I love you, too. Ready to show Vortex the new premiere couple of Arcadia Bay?"

"Please," Chloe bragged, "We paved the way for you millennials. Talk to us when you get a bill passed."

"We're pretty awesome," Max agreed. "But you two are a great couple. Close second place, for sure."

The two stuck out their tongues in response. The four girls laughed as they walked along to Chloe's truck.


"Hey, Max? Can we talk? Did I ever, um... upset you, or something?"

Chloe was once again graced with the sight of Max 'Doe-Eyes' Pricefield as she was caught. "Sorry?"

("Answer me, Bitch! Don't you dare walk away from me! I own you! I own this school!")

"Well, I mean, you've never been outright rude to me. It's just, you know, it's hard to gauge you. I feel like you're so nice to everyone else. You're nice to me, but don't take this the wrong way; I feel like you're being nice to me out of obligation."

("Now fuck off, Dyke! If I wanted to, I could blow all this shit up! Don't FUCK with me!")

Right in one. "I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, Nathan." And the award for irony goes to... "I don't think I meant to. You just remind me of someone I knew a long time ago. He looked a lot like you. Bad memories."

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