Chapter 2- Big step

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"They are trying something impossible. Crossing the boundaries between life and death."

"So, what Jessica said is."

"Yes. Just do not tell anyone, okay?"

"Yes. I have to go."

As I walk, again, in the white hall, it feels like I'm really tired while all I did is walk and walk around these same halls everyday.

"Woof!" I heard Seymoor's loud and echoing bark and saw him running.

"Hey, Seymoor. Where...where is Luke?"

"Hi! Margot." Luke said from my back, scaring me.

"Oh. Sorry. Food's ready at the canteen."


"And they are..."


"Nothing. Never mind."


I bun my hair with the scrunchy I made since I was 5 years old. I went downstairs to eat dinner.

"Margot." One of the scientist called me.

"Uhm...good evening."

"Yeah so, is it true that you and Mr. Akayato know."

"Damn it people! What is in your goddamn brain!? It's not true. Dang it. Stupid goddamn brains." I said loudly and they all heard it but they didn't mind me because they knew that I will just shout louder.

"No need for harsh words. It's. It's just rumors."

"Well, fvck those goddamn rumors!" I said and went to the counter to get food.

  I sat down and ate my food while playing with my phone. Stupids. Ugh! Damn it.

"Well, what was that about?"

"Nothing. Just another stupidity."

"Okay. Will you please stop playing with your food? Tell me what happened. Come on."

"I'm sorry. I just."


"Okay. Okay. They thought Mr. Akayato and I are."

"Akayato Nagaroshima?!"


"But. But he is four years older than you!"


"Oh merciful gods." He said and covered his face with his hands.

"I know." I said as I wipe my mouth with a cream coloured napkin.

"So. I'm gonna go. Bye." I said and stood up, going to the veranda.

  I watch the stars, shining in the black blanket of sky. It is shimmering like glitters. How I wish I still can lay down at soft cool grass and watch them like I used to.

*Riiing! Riiiing!*

"Talk to me."


"Yeah. I am that dork."

"I heard that you and. Had misunderstanding."

"Yeah? So what?"

"Come on. Just forgive each other."

"I'm fine."

"You're not."

"She and Jess-"

"She and Jessica never hanged out before."

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