Chapter 3- Same face

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It was a lonely trip. What I'm feeling right now is what I've never felt before. I just feel empty. Nothing.I just feel like everything is black and I'm the only one in it. With headphone or not, it just feels the same.

He. It's still about him. Oh. Wait. No. It's her. For him, it was always about her. Not because of love or anything. It was his job. To take care of her. Because it's a job. Look out for her without her knowing. And not to talk with her. But too late. He already interfered.

"Make her ride at your car. But do not let her recognize you." Loyde texted.

"That would be imposible."

"Okay, fine."

"She'll be fine. I won't let anything happen to her."

Seeing that, Loyde breathe with contentment. Loyde knows that with him, Margot is safe. If you know who he is.

It was about time when I arrived at South Carolina. I still don't wanna live with my parents but I don't have enough money to accomodate in a hotel nor an apartment. I ate my breakfast in a fastfood chain here at the airport.

I went outside and wait for a taxi but there is a car who is already waiting for me. It was a black car. BMW car. I took some rest because I really had a jetlag and mine is seriously bad.

I woke up and the driver said that we are almost there. He opened the door of the car and what I saw is a nice house and I'm sure that it is so not my parent's house. He left and when I opened the door of the house, I was shocked. Really. Shocked.

"I prefer Ayato. I'm just 18. Not 20. No more Mr. Akayato, okay?" Oh........ My......... Gosh.

She just stood right there. Yeah. Right there. All the way. Well, I got tired of her just right there so I lifted her and she shouted so loud and do what she did and it made her heavier.

"Put me down, Ayato! Put me down!"


"Where are we going anyway?"

"To the room."

"What room? There are so many room."




"Excuse me?"

"Well, it wasn't my plan to have roommate so, this house has only one bedroom."

"Let's just go to my parents' house." She said and I put her down nicely.

"You, young lady, will live here until summer." I said and open the door.

"Wow. Okay. This isn't bad as I thought. The bed is quite big. Bigger than I imagined. The room is big. And still...plain. Plain white."

"Hey. I haven't been here since two years."

"You are quiet young to work."

"I am still a student. A working student."

"Oh. Well, I kinda need sleep right now. I might haven't got any sleep when I was in the plane."

"You wanna take a shower?"

"Uhm, sure. I guess."

"There's tons of robes at the bathroom. I'll take care of your stuffs."

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