Ch.2|| It Was Just a Scrunchy

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|Not going to say much of what's going to happen here but wanted to clarify things from last chapter
>the cruise is 5 days and they dock on the morning after
>the cruise went from Vancouver to TBA later [ ;) ]
>Emma only remembered the first 3 days
>reminder that the cruise IS NOT the entire fanfic|

She didn't know if it was the moment when they stared into each other's eyes or the way he called her "love" but that moment brought back everything Emma was missing from the last few days.

The way her memories of the last few days came back hit her like someone had accidentally left a match near a box of fireworks that was set off at an instant and all she could say in response to what came over her with what little breath she had left from being taken back from all of this was his name.

"Killian." she managed to say.

"Aye," Emma heard him acknowledge ending their one word exchanges.


[Night of the third day of the cruise]

Emma found herself unable to sleep that night.

The thought of just laying there alone in the all to empty cabin made her uneasy so she went to the cruise ship pub. Mainly because nothing else was open that late at night.

She found herself on a bar stool watching everyone as she began to get lost in thought.

The bartender at the pub asked if she wanted him to whip her up a drink and she told him she wasn't 21 yet and that water would be fine.

Right when the bartender gave her a glass of water, someone sat down in the stool next to hers.

Emma's focus turned towards him as he began talking to her.

"Did you come on this cruise alone, Mate?"
"Yeah actually."

The man looked to the bartender as he took his drink order, one Coke.
He brought the drink out and went into the back room

Emma noticed he pulled out what seemed to be a flask of some sort.

"I thought you were drinking Coke?"
"Think of it as having a rum&coke without the Coke"

He started pouring some into the Coke glass and stopped and just drank the rum from the flask and they both laughed slightly.

"I thought you had to be over 21 to drink," she questioned lightly.
"Who said I wasn't?" he showed her his ID.
"Well now I can see why you didn't just order a rum&coke in the first place. That is deffinetly fake." she smirked playfully catching him in his attempt to lie.
"Well don't you pick up quick -." he paused "I didn't catch ur name."

"Emma. Emma Swan."
"Killian Jones."

"What brings you on this cruise?" he asked intrigued.
"Just needed to leave town for a while that's all. You?"
"Going back to my place in Maine before school starts up again."

Emma finally figured out where this cruise was going so she was ready to sort out the rest along the way.

"Well here's cheers to another day away from home," she started to say.

"I should get going."
"It was nice talking to you Emma Swan."

She started walking towards the door and she looked back at him and smiled.

Killian saw she forgot her hair scrunchy and before he could give it to her she was gone.

It was just a scrunchy.


As Emma exited the elevator to her floor, she was thinking about how happy she was to have finally had someone to talk to for the first time in the entire cruise and happily went back towards her cabin.

Suddenly, she heard a squeak in the floorboards behind her.

She looked to make sure no one was there and before she could fully turn around,
an all to familiar face smashed a glass bottle over her head and before she could say anything, she was out cold being dragged away.


The person who knocked her out took her to the cabin she was staying in.

They were searching her pockets for a room key until they heard footsteps coming closer and there was no other option then to flee and leave her there and she laid there her head accidentally hitting the door hard as he left her for now.

The person coming was Killian with Emma's scrunchy in hand happy to have an excuse to go see her.

He saw her on the floor outside her cabin thinking she probably lost her key and fell asleep after giving up looking for it.

He found her key in her back pant pocket and opened the door to bring her inside.

The cabin was like all the others.
Small, crowded, and had the same set up as all the rest.

Killian carefully placed Emma in her bed and made sure everything stayed the way it was before he got there aside from putting the scrunchy on the nightstand.

He waited a little while to see if she would wake up, but decided to let her sleep kissed her forehead and left.

What was the harm if she was asleep he thought.

He closed the door hoping to see her around the ship again soon.


Emma's remembering made her focus back on Killian and they went their separate ways to get ready to pack and get ready for the end of cruise party.

|how did you like it ^_^ ?
>there was a new person introduced (the one who knocked Emma out) who you will see again shortly
>the missing days were explained by amnesia due to the bottle and door hit
>the cruised destination was announced
Lots of things happened^

Plz comment your opinions and follow my instagrams @regalpotatomyqueen_ @regalpotatomy_ouat.fanfic

~xoxo <3|

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