4. Please Tell Me

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Hey, guys! I'm so very sorry that I haven't posted in a while, I've been very lazy lately and have, instead of writing, I just fall asleep instead because of school. I can write more on weekends so looks forward to a story tomorrow or the next day! Also , I'd just like to say thank you to all of you for following my work and supporting me, you're all awesome.
I've got an amount of watchers I never believed I could get, so thank you very much!
And with that, please enjoy!


(F/N) shuffled nervously in her car seat as she and Lukas headed back home a little earlier than planned. She kept nervously looking behind her to see if her brother's familiar car was following and Lukas couldn't be more curious as to why. He could take a random guess why she wouldn't want one of her family members to follow her and he could assume it was something bad. They wanted to take her back, maybe they didn't treat her well and by the look of all her injuries, they didn't treat her well at all. Lukas didn't want to force her to tell him but he also had to know if he wanted any chance at helping her. He could see she was very uncomfortable and didn't want to talk about it, but this wouldn't move along without her input. After a while of driving, the car finally arrived at its destination and stopped in the driveway; Lukas didn't move to get out the car leaving (F/N) to gaze at him nervously and expectedly. A couple of moments of silence went by before anyone started talking.

"(F/N), I know you don't want to tell me, but please, I have to know who that was who made you so scared." Lukas said in an oddly concerned voice; he was gazing over at (F/N) with deep blue eyes and she could tell he truly wanted to help her, she also knew she wouldn't be able to leave the car without telling him what he wanted. She looked down, her (E/C) eyes watering as she dug through her past memories she'd rather not think about again; then again, it wasn't easy to forget when she had so many scars that acted as constant reminders. She absentmindedly began to trace some of the scars on her hands.

"H-He... He was my older brother..." (F/N) managed to stutter out. "I used to l-live with him before you found me in that alleyway.." She shivered remembering the complete, brutal coldness of the snow. "I-I guess now I'll tell you about," she paused in hesitation, "my scars.."

Lukas hid all his curiosity for the answer of that question by just giving her a brief nod. He listened intently, wanting to hear every detail as she told it to him, he wanted to help her and for that he had to listen. So she began.

"I lived with my mother, father and my older brother, we were a happy family for the most part; my mother didn't really like me that much and she'd persuaded my brother to hate me too. My father was the only one who really loved me." There was a faint smile on her face as she spoke about her father, although Lukas could see the sadness in her glossy eyes. "When my mother shouted at me, or my brother tried to hit me, he'd come to my rescue." She paused as her eyes filled with tears. "But.. But.. He died when I was seven in a car accident.."

"I'm sorry.." Lukas said, not able to think of anything else to say to comfort the girl. She smiled sadly.

"From there it just got worse, my mother and brother - without father to intervene - shouted at me more. They stopped me from going to school and confined me to just the house, then just my bedroom, then they started to give me less food. Then my brother began to hit me when I asked anything. He called me worthless and told me he wished I would die so he could be an only child. Then my mother caught on too and started to hit me. It went from once a week to every day." Tears were spilling down her face slowly and Lukas was left to listen to her as she told him how things progressed. He felt angry. Why would someone treat their daughter and sister so badly?! And why would they blame her for killing her father when it wasn't her fault at all?! He clenched his fist and tried to hide his anger; he'd come to care for this girl and thinking about these things happening to her - and as a child no less - made him mad.

"They beat me, hit me, cut me, burned me, and when they were done taking out their anger, they'd leave me in my room to bleed. I wanted to die. My brother went as far once to chain me up for two days without food or water, t-then he got drunk a-and-" she shrivelled up and bit her lip to stop herself from letting out a sob.

"You don't have to say anymore." Lukas said, grabbing hold of her hand to try comfort her. He didn't want to hear anymore, he didn't want her to finish her sentence at all. This was the most he'd ever talked to her and he was grateful for coming clean about everything, but he almost regretted asking. He felt a deep sorrow clench at his heart. He'd heard enough to hate her mother and brother as much as he could hate someone. This was far past the level of hating Mathias. Far past.

"Come on let's go back inside, I'll keep you safe, I promise." He said reassuringly, wiping (F/N)'s eyes and cheeks with a soft tissue. (F/N) believed it fully, and she hoped that was a promise to be kept. She nodded and sniffled, turning to get out the car door. As she got out, she scanned the area for any sight of her brother's car, luckily she didn't see it. She scurried inside with Lukas in front of her and as soon as she was inside she felt safe. (F/N) looked at herself in the mirror. She looked like a mess; her eyes were puffy and red from crying and her hair was a mess from skating.

"(F/N), we'll talk later, go get warm by the fire, Tino will make you a drink." Lukas said. (F/N) nodded and took off her coat, her body shivering from the coldness of outside. As she left, Mathias passed by her, presumably heading towards his 'best buddy', giving her a strange glance.

"Did your date not go so well Nor?" He said attempting to throw his arm around his brother's shoulder, only to be rejected and quickly stopped.

"It wasn't a date, and it was fine until (F/N) saw her brother." He explained. As much as he liked the idea of it being a date, he denied it and thought it was a terrible first date had it been one. Though the thought wasn't really important right now, he reckoned he'd be able to take her on a better first date when the time was right. Mathias cocked an eyebrow at the reply he was given.

"What do you mean, her brother?" He asked with a puzzled glance.

"I'll explain later, right now I need you to come with me, and bring your axe." Lukas said, leaving Mathias to grin.

"We teaching someone a lesson?" He asked, getting the message quickly. He grabbed his coat from the rack, knowing they'd be heading out, and looked towards Lukas expectedly.

"Yes, we are."


Thank you very much for reading, please tell me if they're any spelling mistakes. If you don't mind answering a question for me: Which Hetalia character do you think is most like a scientist? Thank you for your feedback and I'll see you next time! Bye!

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