9. Looks

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Hey guys! I have no idea, mostly like always, how long it has been since I've last posted, but finally I've got this stuff done! I think the next part after this will round off the whole book and I'll be able to post a new one; the next part will probably be a little longer as it's the end part. I hope everyone had a nice Halloween, and to anyone British like me, I hope you had a nice bonfire night!

But anyway, I hope you enjoy this part!



As soon as the voice reached (F/N)'s ears, she froze and her hand tightened around Lukas's. He turned around to see what was wrong and was met with the gaze of a woman he didn't recognise; (F/N) looked terrified. The woman had (H/C) hair and sharp eyes that pierced right into (F/N). She was wearing high heels and expressive looking clothing. (F/N) began to stutter and tried to form words but they wouldn't come out of her mouth to form a sentence. Just once she was feeling happy, it was taken away from her; it seemed so unfair, why couldn't she be happy too?

"Who the hell are you?" Mathias stepped forward protectively and began to talk instead of (F/N) who was timidly hiding next to Lukas. The woman in front of them sneered and shot a dirty look toward the trio.

"So, after you've dared to harm my poor son, you've then went and shacked up with two men." She folded her arms in distaste. "The nerve you have." (F/N) flinched; of course the woman stood before her was her mother. Whenever she folded her arms, (F/N) knew it meant she was angry, and if her father wasn't around, she'd usually not get off lightly with whatever minor thing she'd done wrong. She tried to convince herself to feel safe with Mathias stood upfront and Lukas stood next to her, but it was hard with the many bad memories flooding her head.

"I don't think you heard, lady, who the hell are you?" Mathias repeated, instantly turning aggressive as the woman stepped closer. By now, he and Lukas could piece everything together and tell it was (F/N)'s mother. She didn't seem to care about Mathias and simply glared past him right to (F/N), yet she still answered his question, more directing it at (F/N) as a way to insult her.

"Her mother." She quickly glanced at Lukas next to (F/N). "The bitch that you're protecting when you could just hand her over to me." She held out her hand and for a moment (F/N) was truly afraid. They wouldn't...? She closed her eyes tight and braced for whatever was about to come.

"We're not going to do that." (F/N)'s eyes snapped open as Lukas spoke sternly next to her. As she looked up at Lukas she could see anger etched on his face as he glared over at (F/N)'s mother. He looked just as, if not more, aggressive than Mathias, just in a more reserved way. People in the hospital had started to notice the scene unfolding and had started to watch with curiosity.

"Tch." (F/N)'s mother suddenly looked as if she was full of rage, but she attempted to keep it just covered enough with the on-look of the other people in the hospital. "Just give her up already, she's a waste of life and you shouldn't protect her. You're wasting your time." She sneered loudly. One of the doctors walking by calmly walked over to the scene.

"Excuse me ma'am, if you could please be quiet, other patients are trying to rest." He asked with patience and that only served to make (F/N)'s mother madder. She pointed an accusing finger right at (F/N).

"You want me to calm down when that bitch put my son in hospital!? And now she has the nerve to show up here in front of me!" She screeched breaking out into a run past Mathias and straight to (F/N) who was being protected by Lukas. The doctor quickly held her back with the help of some other people who had been watching. They held her back as she squirmed in their grasp, everyone in the room was watching now. "It's her fault your hear!? HER FAULT! You useless girl!!"

The words echoed in (F/N)'s head and she shrivelled down to the floor with tears in her eyes. Just when she was happy and free from the chains of her past, this had happened. The only thing stopping her from breaking down completely was the presence of Lukas next to her. He was still there, he hadn't given her over and still had his arms wrapped protectively around her. Her mother was dragged away and a doctor spoke with the three of them for minute to make sure everything was okay. (F/N) had tears in her eyes and could burst out crying any minute, with all the thoughts in her head she thought she was going to burst. All she could do was hold Lukas's hand and lower her head down to gaze at the floor.

Eventually they made their way back to the room, Mathias left again to get more food which left just Lukas and (F/N) in the room. (F/N) was sat in her bed again, her back leant against her pillow. Sometimes she found it hard to believe that that women was her mother. The woman who had gave birth to her. Why hadn't she just got and abortion instead of painfully going through the process of childbirth.

The room was silent and (F/N) gazed down at a photo of her dad that Lukas had gave her. It was photo that was in her room in the attic at her old house. Her and her father. How had he done it? How did he fall in love with her mother? Maybe she was nice before, but what changed her so drastically? If he was here, she was sure he'd know what to do...

"Do you miss him?" Lukas asked quietly. (F/N) kept her eyes glued to the photo, right at her father's face. She nodded.

"A lot." She was afraid her voice would break from staying quiet for the past half an hour. Her eyes still felt teary, but she didn't want to cry again and she didn't want to mourn over her father again either. But nothing could stop the overwhelming feeling of sadness she got from missing him. She wished she could ignore her mother; she wished she had only her father. She remembered something one of her mother's friends had said once. 'You and your daughter look so alike!' She'd smiled while her mother held back a scowl and (F/N) as a younger girl distanced herself away from her mother. She frowned.

"I'm not like her right?" She looked up to meet Lukas's blue eyes. "I don't want to look like her even if I am her daughter.." She sighed melancholically. Lukas took the photo out of her frail hands and gazed at it. She and her father were smiling. Her mother did nothing but scowl and glare. He shook his head.

"No." He smiled slightly with reassurance. "I think you look more like your father, you have his smile." His voice was kind as he handed the photo back to (F/N) and placed his hand on top of hers. (F/N)'s eyes widened and she gazed down back at the photo. When she looked back up, she smiled with teary eyes, but this time she was sure it was from happiness. She was so glad to have Lukas with her now. Her smile grew wider and the remaining sunlight of the day had began to make its way into the room along with an orange glow.

"Thank you."


Everyone actually thought it was Reader-Chan's big brother, but instead it was her mother
I feel like if I included the brother in again, it'd be a little too predictable.
He more hurts (F/N) physically while kind mama (L/N) emotionally hurts her.
I'll try to update soon, so please be patient with me as you have been, I appreciate it a lot considering how slow I am! Thank you and bye!

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