7. Guilt

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I did say I'd try to upload sooner, but I haven't just like the rest of the times I've promised! I hope this part is a little longer, the paragraphs feel longer anyway...
And don't worry, your big brother and mother will get what's coming!


"(F/N)!" A voice called out to her, but all (F/N) could think about was how numb her body felt. It was cold and she felt like she was frozen in ice - she was unable to move much of her body and couldn't open her eyes. She didn't know what was going on and was barely keeping herself semi-conscious through whatever was happening.

A pair of arms wrapped around her and she suddenly felt everything clouding her mind disappear. The ice-like cold, her confusion and the numb feeling covering her body vanished; it was replaced with the warmth of whoever was holding her tightly. She still couldn't open her eyes and despite being soaking wet and shivering, the warmth overpowered it all. That's right... She'd fell into the lake and the last thing she could remember before her vision went dark as it was now was Lukas swimming towards her. Then was that Lukas who was so warm right now, with his arms wrapped around her cold figure?

She never felt this warm. She could feel cold water dripping on her face. They were too cold to be tears, meaning it must have been the water from the lake. Lukas must be cold too, she could even feel him shivering and hear his shaky breaths. She could hear very faintly she sounds of sirens; they got closer and closer until they hurt her ears. She was suddenly pulled away from Lukas's grasp - away from the warmth. She longed to feel it again and the crippling cold came back, flooding her entire mind so she couldn't think.

She was placed down on a padded surface and wheeled up a slope, voices surrounded her. In her semi-conscious state, she reached out for the warmth again, for Lukas. Her face scrunched in discomfort as she felt a need pierce her arm, yet still, she held her hand out. A mask was placed over her face and she felt like she could breath steadier, but her body was still freezing. Her consciousness was fading fast after being injected, but just before her hand could drop back down to the padded surface she was lying on, a hand grabbed hers. She smiled. Finally, her consciousness left her and warmth rushed over her body once again.


He'd just managed to shove past the man with the bloodstained knife Lukas assumed to be (F/N)'s brother he'd heard so much about. As much as he'd love to beat him till he couldn't stand up anymore, the bloodstained knife he held had more priority. Had he managed to cut her with it? Without a second thought, Lukas dove straight into the open, previously ice-sealed lake. The cold hit him full force but he forced his limbs to move before they could freeze up like (F/N)'s had. He quickly swam downwards, trying to ignore the blood floating up towards the surface. He had to get to her soon or she could die any number of ways. Blood loss, freezing or drowning? Which one would get her first? None if Lukas had anything to do with it.

He quickly reached out and grabbed (F/N)'s wrist, pulling her close to his chest where he hoped she could get some warmth. Her eyes were open but she closed them quickly. Lukas quickly kicked his legs and swam back up to the service where he saw the brother was gone and the only thing left behind was blood in the snow. He pushed up (F/N) out the pond first and then pulled himself out, feeling the cold start to get to him harshly now. He scooped (F/N) up in his arms. She was breathing, cold and faintly, but breathing alright.

"(F/N)!" He called out to her, shaking her frail and wet form. She didn't move or open her eyes; she remained motionless in his arms. He dearly hoped his phone hadn't broken from all the cold water. Grabbing it from his pocket, he stumbled to turn it on and dial for an ambulance. When he finally managed to, he made sure they understood this was urgent.

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