Chapter 18

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Taking her silence as a no, he continued on with some other facts they'd discovered and what the steps the investigation would involve. "In light of the uhm- circumstances," he drew the word out for explicit emphasis, "I would suggest you have your lawyer contact your husband, Mrs. Maxwell."

Constable Wren rejoined them, reporting that the alert had gone out for Maxwell's car. She arrived in time to hear her partner's advice.

Arlene saw immediately what he meant and the sly, almost pleasurable stare from his ugly companion confirmed it. Gerald and Zeena were sharing a room at the hotel and got caught because of the attack. If her own infidelity came out right now both their reputations would be shattered and Gerald's company would be looking to cut their losses. Scandals were an assured death on the stock market. She cursed Gerald under her breath and almost accepted that he deserved what he got. Almost... Arlene... I love you.

"It's a terrible thing and I'm sorry to be the one to bring you this news." The Sergeant was saying and she shook her head and focused on his serious face.

"I understand. I mean I don't understand any of it but..."

"See to a lawyer, Mrs. Maxwell." Both police officers stood and waited for her to follow. "You should be able to visit him later today. Again, I'm sorry for this news."

Arlene saw them to the door and let them out, leaning shakily on it as it closed.

"Are they gone?" The hoarse whisper echoed down the stairway.

"Yes... luckily, you ass." She gathered her robe about her and went back upstairs.

"What did they want?" John was wearing only his pants, no shirt or shoes as though he expected to resume right where they left off.

"Gerald was attacked in his hotel room."

"By Zeena I bet." He gave a hoot as he followed her to the bedroom.

"No, you idiot! He was beaten up and Zeena was raped." I have to do some serious thinking here. Get dressed and I'll call you later."

"Jesus, Arlene, that's terrible." He pulled on his shirt and sat on the bed to put on his shoes and socks. "Did they catch the guy?"

"Not yet, but they know who it was. He's the same man that robbed the diner and stole Gerald's wallet."

"No shit! Wow, what a coincidence, eh?"

She gave him a weary look and shook her hand. "Hurry up, I have things I need to do."

"So you'll call?" He tucked in his shirt and grabbed his jacket.

"Yes, John."

"Any idea when?"

"For Christ's sake! My husband is in hospital after a savage beating and you want a drop-in schedule?"

Chastened, John nodded, kissed her cheek and fled down the stairs.


Ted made his trip down to the station feeling like it was his new, every day program. Sitting across from another policeman who found typing more of a challenge than crime fighting, he wondered when they would tumble to his involvement in the diner robbery where Nadine was killed. The typing concluded and Ted scanned the overcorrected page and signed his name then stood to leave. Across the room he saw Constable Wren directing her tiny evil eye toward him. He actually felt a goose bump and took a hasty leave.

Curtis Martin lived in an apartment about ten minutes from the police station and Ted cruised to a halt just down the block from the address and shut off the car's engine. The street wasn't busy except for an elderly man walking a living tumbleweed that turned out to be some kind of terrier, Ted realized, as they passed by his car. He wondered whether to wait and watch or go right up and ring the bell.

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