Chapter 4

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Adrian's POV ~
Today was Friday and everyone was looking forward to the weekend. Unlike me. I had a photo shoot on Saturday but absolutely nothing to do on Sunday. I'm hoping Ladybug and I go on another mission or something.  Speaking of Ladybug. .. I have no idea what my feelings for her ate anymore because each day I keep falling in love with Marinette. Today she was her normal, cute self so she was obviously over the whole Chloe thing.

Marinette's POV ~
After that talk with Chat I felt so much better. And I heard Chloe got a weeks detention for what happened yesterday. But lately Chat has been acting different to his obnoxious, smirking self. Sort of in a charming and handsome way. And after he had kissed me on my forehead all these emotions filled my mind. And I think I might be in love with Chat.

Adrian's POV ~
Today in class our teacher said we had to design an outfit that resembles ladybug and catnoir. We couldn't work in pairs which sucked.

Marinette's POV ~
Today in science class our new teacher Ms Davids paired us up with someone who we had to sit next to for the whole year. Alya got Rose, Chloe got Sabrina and I got Adrian!!!! This can't be  happening!
So I slowly went over to his desk but then Chloe tripped me ( what the hell is wrong with her). "Your such a clutz." Chloe laughed. I rolled my eyes and started picking up my books. Then Adrian came and helped me. "Thanks A..Adrian. " I told him. "No problem. " he said. There was only one book left and when we both tried to grab it our hands touched. We looked at each other and blushed.
I'm not sure whats going on but soon I've got to choose between Adrian  and Chat Noir. But who will I choose?

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