Chapter 44

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| Forty Four |

At this point, after all the crying, I felt numb. I felt empty. Half of me just wanted to scream and the other half just didn't want to make any sound. As much as I knew this was a good thing, my heart felt like it had been torn.

This was all just a bad decision.

I had to focus on something else. Graduation was soon arriving and after that I could be free. I'll move out and find my dream home. I had a lot to look forward too. But for now, I guess I'll be moving in with my Aunt and Uncle until I find somewhere. There was no way I was going to live with him.


My eyes flutter open, taking a few minutes to adjust. Streams of light manage to push through into the dark room: a new day.

I get up and look in the mirror whilst passing: witnessing the bloodshot eyes, tangled hair and the bags under my eyes which were visible. I just feel worse.

I guess this was a fresh start. A fresh start without Harry.


Days had passed and I hadn't seen or even spoke to Harry. I ignored all his calls, eventually blocking his number after the endless amount of messages he sent. Yet, despite all of this, I still slept in the same white shirt that was once owned by him. I don't know why. Some part of me was finding it difficult to let go.

Some part of me wished he wanted me too.

To distract my mind, I decided to force myself out and go shopping. I need to get out after being isolated in this small room for days. I change and leave my hair down, adding a touch of make up before leaving.


I wonder around, looking at different clothes but nothing came to interest. It was nice to have some time to myself.

But soon enough I gave up, today had been a waste.

My eyes are set on the exit, guiding my legs towards it. However, my eyes lock on to the book store. Why not?

I search the endless bookshelves, examining a few novels each time. It relaxes me, a nice book sounded good for tonight, a good distraction.

"Need any help?" A voice asks.

"No—" I turn around to be welcomed to a very attractive guy in front of me.

"I'm good thank you, I was just going to pay for these anyway." I smile slightly.

I admire his black, ruffled hair and his lip piercing which I found myself drawn to.

"Ah well I'll sort that out for you if you'd like to come with me," He smiles.

I smile, following him.

"They're a really great choice of books," He grins whilst scanning each of them.

"You've read them?"

"Yeah," He replies. "Especially that 'To Kill A Mocking Bird', that's amazing. I love novels, kind of explains why I am working in a book store."

He chuckles.

"I agree," I smile. "Must be nice here,"

He nods.

"I'm Luke by the way,"

"Ariana," I smile, running my fingers through my hair and can't help but fidget a little.

We had a little chat, learning about each other, books, college and so much more. I ended up finding out he went to the same college but he had graduated already. He was a little older than me — only twenty two. He was just working to save up, in hopes he could go travel for the next few years.

The store was quiet, especially around this section as everyone was at the main tills on the other side of the store. He had opened this till especially for me which I appreciated.

"Anyway, here you are," He spoke, passing the bags to me over the counter.

Never failing to maintain a warm smile.

"It was nice meeting you," I smile.

"Any chance you will return?" he bites his lip, chuckling slightly.

"Hopefully," I smile. "I mean, I would love too. You can never get enough of books."

"It would be nice to see you here again. If you do, just call me over, I work weekdays. I'll suggest some great novels and I'll try get some discounts." he smiles.

"That would be great." I grin, chewing my lip.

Eventually, we end up swapping numbers to keep in contact. I was glad I met Luke. Not only was he an attractive guy and all but he seemed like a genuine guy. We had a lot in common.

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