Chapter 3

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I just sat there quietly, hoping I didn't need to answer. " I'm waiting for a fooking answer!" Anti yelled
His eyes were turning black and I looked away and answered. "Deal." "Good choice, and now I'll show you around. " explained Anti. He went up to me and untied me, as soon as I was untied I started running and bumped into someone.
??? POV
"Well hello there! " I said to the poor girl, I think I scared her. I walked up to her and carried her to anti. "Is this girl yours? "I asked "Yes, dark she's mine so LEAVE HER ALONE!" anti yelled. "Okay okay dammit, I ask one question and this is what I get!" I yelled back at his ad I was walking away and I heard yelling behind me.
Anti POV
"Why the hell did you run away?!" I asked while yelling at her. She started crying and I kinda felt bad. "Um.... Hey do you want to bake some cookies?" I asked, I mainly asked because I wanted some cookies but she shook her head no and stayed in the corner with her head on her legs crying. "OK.... If you want or need anything let me know. " I said to her. "I WANT TO GO HOME!" She yelled at me, I was pissed to I punched the wall next to her head and walked away.
------------------------------------------------ I hope you guys like this new chapter bye!

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