Vixen's Short Stories: Despicable Me Style

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♣ — Vixen's Writing Prompts: Despicable Me Style — ♣

♣ — Prompt No. 1 — ♣

♣ — Prompt: You get a set of minions for one week.  — ♣

I rubbed my eyes sleepily, getting out of my white and black polka dotted bed. Glancing at the clock, I noticed it was only 7:34 AM. What was I doing up so early in the morning? Usually, I wouldn't wake up early on weekends unless it was an emergency or I was disturbed in my sleep. I'm guessing it was the latter.

Curious to find out just what irritating noise woke me up, I skip down the stairs to eat some breakfast. I grabbed the frying pan from the bottom cupboard, turned the stove top on and tossed a little butter in the pan. I opened the fridge and grabbed out the milk and eggs, makign a second trip to snatch the chocolate syrup in the door before slamming it shut. I cracked the eggs, placing them into the pan to fry and moved on to making my chocolate milk. Minutes later, my food was ready but when I moved to sit at the dining table, something short and bright yellow ran into me! 

"W-what!?" I exclaimed, staring down at the.. MINION!? Why was there a minion in my house? I paused, thinking about the situation before chuckling. "I'm probably just sleepy. After all, I did wake up early..." I pushed past the excited illusion waving at me, and quickly ate my breakfast so it wouldn't go to waste. I left the dishes in the sink, waiting to be cleaned later on during the day.

On my way back upstairs to my comfortable bed that awaited me, I saw even more yellow things climbing out of a strange vehicle through the window. What the heck? I jumped over the railing, and ran over to the front door and peered out of the small window in the middle. Yep, there were definitely minion look-a-likes on my front lawn. Okay, wow, I guess I really need more sleep. This day just keeps on getting even more weird every minute I stay up.

Finally making it up the stairs this time, I ran right to my bedroom. Although, I was startled once more! There was some sort of high pitched giggling and chattering coming from my room. There was also the familiar bounce, bounce, bounce of the springs in my bed. I didn't think about it this time and simply burst into the room.

There were minions jumping up and down on my bed, and some had my cellphone and other gadgets. One was even on my laptop. I pushed past most of them, only stopping to grab my items from the troublesome creatures. Sitting down on my bed, I rested my head in my hands and accepted the fact that there were actually minions in my house. "Who are you guys?" I asked wearily, already exhausted even though it was now 8:15 AM. 

"Minions!" they all chimed, forming an 'M' somehow with their bodies.

I waved downwards, and they climbed down from their pyramid. "Alright, well, what are you guys doing here?" I queried. The minion with only one eye climbed onto my lap, and hugged me. I jumped back. "U-uh..?" What? They all began to climb around me.

"You're our new boss for a week!"

I groaned, falling back on my bed. How am I going to take care of a hundred minions!? 


Um, hi there everyone. Wow, this ended up being really short. This is my first 3-shot, and post on here so hope you all like it. Part 2 and 3 should be coming out over the next couple of days. 

 - Alice Rose


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2013 ⏰

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