Part Two: Jealousy

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Hayley's POV:

It all started when Mom and Dad decided to spend the money we made from YouTube.


"Daddy, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Oh, Mommy and I decided that we're going to buy a beach house in Ocean City. We have a lot of money that we aren't using - why not use it?"

"Well, what if we need it someday?" I was concerned - what was he doing?

"Hayley, it'll be fine - don't worry," Mom said.


They spent all of their money on the beach house and other things that we didn't need. Then, when we stopped filming Bratayley videos, it was hard to make money. My dad went back to serve in the Navy, but still didn't make very much money. I had to go to public school instead of private school or homeschool. I saw what the other kids had and how much nicer their things were than mine.

That's how I started to change. This is where I got the idea.


This book is kind of weirdly written... Hayley is telling the story, but there are "scenes" inside of her narrations... I hope this makes sense!

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