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When I woke up the next morning, Gray wasn't in the bed. Maybe he woke up very early and went to his personal office to start his work. Thinking that this is the perfect chance to escape, I forced myself to get out of the bed even if my body is sore. I quickly dressed up. After I get out of here, I won't return, ever again. I'm ready to let go of my nonsense feelings for him. I'm saying goodbye to him for good. I gave him all of me, not just my body, even my heart and soul. But I guess I loved the wrong man. I'm going to start a new life with Lyon, and live happily with him.

After I'm done dressing up, I quickly ran to the door to escape. But I can't open it. It's locked from the outside. Damn it! Maybe Gray already knew I would do this so he already took precautions to prevent me from escaping. I looked all over the room to search for my hand bag, my phone is inside, so maybe I'll just call Lyon to come for me. When I finally found it, I quickly rummaged inside only to find that my phone is not there.

I slowly fell down to my knees, tears flowing down my cheeks. I don't know what I did wrong for Gray to treat me like this. I don't know what to do. Lyon will surely worry if I haven't made a call to him for too long. I really need to get out of here. I stood up, wiped my tears and walked to the door. I knocked a few times, hoping Gray would open it. I heard faint footsteps coming nearer, and then the door finally opened. I saw Gray, his looks piercing right through me.

"Uhm, Gray . . . can I have my phone back?" I whispered timidly. There's no use in running because my body hurts right now, he'll surely catch me.

"Why?" he simply asked.

"I just need to call someone." I answered.

"Who?" he asked again.

"Someone from work." I lied.

"I already threw your phone in the garbage. You won't need it anymore." He answered casually. My eyes widened in shock. Tears started to flow again in my cheeks.

"Gray . . . Please let me go now. I'm begging you please. I want to go home." I cried softly as I kneeled in front of him.

"This will be your home starting today. I won't let you escape from me and run to another man. And you won't be going to work anymore. You'll just stay here and never go out."

I can't take this anymore. I slowly stood up and tried my best to run past him and rush to the front door. I almost opened it when he caught me, pulled my hair and slapped me hard that I fell on the floor. He quickly straddled me, I tried my best to push him but I have no strength in me so it didn't work. He tightly squeezed my fists and pinned it hard above my head.

"Juvia, you won't be able to escape from me. You are mine, mine only. Be an obedient girl if you don't want to be hurt." He whispered with an evil smile as he wiped my wet cheeks. More tears flowed from my eyes. I'm really helpless now. I'm sorry Lyon. I'm really sorry. I don't know if we'll ever meet again. But I'm very happy with the short time we spent together, even though I never had the chance to tell you my feelings. If I try to resist again, Gray will hurt me more. I have no choice but to obey him.

Gray wiped my cheeks again, and bit my earlobe softly. "Juvia, the way you resisted just turned me on. You really know how to get me in the mood, and you just gave me another reason not to let you go." He whispered seductively. He gazed at me, his eyes full of lust. He knows that his eyes are my weakness, because his eyes are the reason I fell in love with him. Now, the way he stares at me makes my heart beat again, it's like putting me under a love spell. The feelings that I tried so hard to forget are coming back again. He began to kiss me hungrily, his hands traveling all over my body. His lips then went downward, sucking every bit of my skin. He already gave me tons of love bruises last night, now he's adding more.

Torn Between Two Men *Gruvia✔️Where stories live. Discover now