Chapter 2 - Disgusting Jerk

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“Dad, we’re gonna skates, right?” I said, too excited that I didn’t have the appetite to even take a bite of the sandwich Mama prepared for me. We were eating in the dining table. Dad chewing on his sandwich  beside me, and mom in front of us.

“Yea, you got your stuffs ready?” Dad asked me.

“Got it.” I ran straight to my room and pick up all my things. I ran as fast as I can back to show to him that I’m done fixing my things. He saw it and was impressed.

“Good job, son.” He said. Then he wiped his lips and got up from the table. “I’ll be starting the car then.” He went outside.

It’s too cold outside, but that’ll be cool. We’ll be skating. Whoo!

My once little fingers are freezing. I head straight to the couch on the living room and waited for dad to turn on the engine of the car. My mom used to say this often – Never go outside unless the car’s ready to go. I don’t know why, but I followed her anyway.

“Honey, you need to wear this.” My Mama put on mittens on my hand to protect from the cold. “Ma, make it fast. Dad’s starting the car!” Mama smiled and kissed me in the cheeks.

“Be careful, honey. Okay?” Mama gave her reminders. Great mom.

“Wait, you’ll not gonna join us?” I asked, startled of the idea. It has always been the three of us.

“Nah, I have lot of things to do here, honey. Sorry. How about I’ll prepare you snacks when you get back? That be cool?” She was bargaining with me.

“Chocolates?” I asked.

“As always.” I then jumped at her and gave her a tight hug.

“Enjoy skating. Be careful, honey. Love you.” She said, shouting behind my back ‘cause I’m running towards the car already.

That was ten years ago.

- - - - - 

I never thought that one day, I will become an idiot. Never did it occur to me that I was born to do stupid and reckless things. I’ve been at my best ever since I started mouthing basic words and walking. When I was child, according to my aunt who basically raised me, I was always ahead compare to other children. I had fun more on mental games than too physical ones. ‘You were born a genius’ Aunt Clarence always tells me.

This whole summer, I was busy living under the roof of one goal- to change myself. I am tall, and had thick eyeglasses covering my blue eyes from direct air. I need to wear eyeglasses when I was 10 years old. Clarence and I went to an eye specialist back then because I was having difficulty when I’m reading the lectures being written by my teachers. When I focused my vision on the letters, I can easily recognize them. But once they start to relax a little, it seems like those letters start to become blurred images instead. But now, I got rid of my eyeglass and wear lenses instead.

I also enrolled on a fitness program. I need to be in shape, that’s part of the plan. I always had a lean body, but I wanted to improve my physique.  Tired arms, back, chest—my whole body screams on my first days at the gym. ‘It’ s okay, buddy. You’ll eventually get used to it.’ My instructor always reminds me whenever I wince when my arms are too weak or my back is too tired to head straight home.

But now, as school starts, I need to be back on my game again. Excel in school, go to the best college or university and start to build a future. Future. Big word.

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