Goodbye Rilaya

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Hey guys for the past few days bad stuff as been happening to me such as getting awful messages and getting jumped from people I knew in my past. It has really affected me especially getting jumped for I knew them when I was kid but I left them once I met Willie for he made me realize they were a bad influence on me, it was sort of similar to what happen in GM true Maya for they beat me up a little and said they'll stop if I joined them again but I said no they kept on beating me up and after they finished they said I'm not the person they knew and that I was weak. The results of the beating is now starting to make me have seizures a lot at night and sometimes feel like I'm gonna have one. It has now resulted for me to be insure about work and school which I have never felt since elementary school. I also need to focus on college mainly on math for its my worst subject and I don't want to disappoint my family. I'm also starting to feel insecure on my book for I think it's starting to become awful and the reasons are pathetic. And I feel like I should just delete it or stop updating. Jarrid has sort of convince me to continue writing and to publish the chapters later on cause he knows writing this book helps me focus and stuff. But I feel like I won't have time to publish it and think that it's still awful. So I'm thinking that I keep on continuing the book and  just write the chapters and let Jarrid publish them if he has time I think he won't have time to do it. But I know I'm gonna update on October 14! For that day has many events such as GM world of terror 3, Rowan birthday and EVOLUTION! I also update on GM Christmas Maya, GM Hollywood, GM sweet sixteen and GM goodbye!

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