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I'm going to analyze this moment.
•Let's first focus on the expression on Maya's face. You can tell she's talking about someone she truly loves, someone that means the world to her. Like you can see Maya's heart warming in this moment.
•"I always have" is a very important. She recognizes that her and Riley have known each other for a long time, and Maya has continued to love her unconditionally.
•"and she loves me" I'm going to say that's a good set up for a relationship. Maya loves Riley, and Riley loves Maya.
•she is talking about why she doesn't like Lucas like a boyfriend in this moment. SHE LITERALLY SAYS THE REASON SHE DOES NOT LIKE LUCAS LIKE THAT IS BECAUSE SHE LOVES RILEY. Could the writers make it any more clear.
•it's not stated whether it's platonic or romantic, but I'm going to take an educated guess and say romantic.
•Maya's eyes sparkle
•overall this is arguably the most important rilaya quote, so I thought I should bring it to everyone's attention.

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